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    SHL 本测试报告为SHL官网免费练习报告,类别为性格测试。  本测试报告为 官网免费练习报告,类别为性格测试。      OFFER SHL 鉴于广大社聘高大尚的OFFER都需要这个SHL测试,文库大量应届的测试资料, 鉴于广大社聘高大尚的 都需要这个 测试,文库大量应届的测试资料, SHL 本人在SHL官网亲测,报告贡献给各位,请勿完全模拟,职位和雇主不同,差异很大。  本人在 官网亲测,报告贡献给各位,请勿完全模拟,职位和雇主不同,差异很大。  中文版免费测试入口已经关闭,估计国人作弊太多被迫叫停,其他语言都可以进行 中文版免费测试入口已经关闭,估计国人作弊太多被迫叫停,其他语言都可以进行 200 4 200 4 练习测试,题目 个小题,也是最符合于最不符合,不过是 选项,还有较符合和较 练习测试,题目 个小题,也是最符合于最不符合,不过是 选项,还有较符合和较 不符合可选。各位有时间可以对应各自测试类别深入研究。  不符合可选。各位有时间可以对应各自测试类别深入研究。  Introduction Introduction This report is designed to help you prepare for a Competency Based Interview. This report is designed to help you prepare for a Competency Based Interview. Competency Based Interviews are increasingly being used by employers as they Competency Based Interviews are increasingly being used by employers as they have been shown to help make selection decisions more objective and effective. have been shown to help make selection decisions more objective and effective. Competencies refer to the job-related behaviours that good performers display; Competencies refer to the job-related behaviours that good performers display; and a Competency Based Interview aims to measure how likely you are to exhibit and a Competency Based Interview aims to measure how likely you are to exhibit these behaviours. these behaviours. The questionnaire that you recently completed is designed to identify which of The questionnaire that you recently completed is designed to identify which of these behaviours come easily to you and which ones you might find more difficult, these behaviours come easily to you and which ones you might find more difficult, or have to work harder to achieve. This insight into your


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