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Informalion for the examiners:
This examinntion consists of three sect Ions. They arc:
Section One: Grammiir und Word Practice (40 points)
Section Two: Reading Comprehension (40 points)
Section Three: Irunshition (2() points)
The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
Section One (ZrnmniAr and Word Practice (40 pointe)
Part 1 Qomtkra 1—10.(20 point*)
Each of the sentences below b folkmed by three choices marked A. B and C. Choose Che one annrrr that best conipktea the BCflCrncc. (2 poinU *h)
】. BusmcMCN have a role to in improving the lives of all I heir customers,
ernployeen and nharcholderi^
A have phy
C make
2 We need ■ much stronger focuit ihr neriift of our ru?tomrr?-
A. to R in
Our hend office t? in Boston nnd wr own 70% ol a manufacturing in
A. subaidiary H. nubmdy
(\ ?ubsiitute
Wr believe thAt business can br a powerful _ for social chungr-
agency K ngenda
G Affcnr
may hr rntAhltshrd based on coms. drniands the eamprlirionwf price*? or
nornr combination o( thc?c
X Prices K Brnnd!!
C Product
In Rome comp/inicAe workers lire expected to
thrir views to llwmncIvcMtA. keep
thrir views to llwmncIvcMt
G put
Phe ttnrhefM in our univcrNity haft a of back?roundj!k
A. dincrence K vuricty
C vary
8r Mntrnnlt humuru Imannalt and informAOonal nrr combined to be .
A. IciindAtians of bumnr^M K n nervier
C mnrkrting re?enrch report
9. The includru n scries of four HtaKr^ (or ? product introduction? tfrowth*
nuturiryt And dcciinc.
A. product cycle ol life 11 product life cycle
(:. lilr product cycle
10. A rorporation ran also obtain epiity hnandng by grlling tccuritira directly to current Atockholdcrn. ? Equityf here niennn .
A rra?onnl!r qiinlity B. nrdinnry scioekii und 血g
pnncqileA of rqualiiy
Part 2 Question 11—20. (20 points|
CbixiMr Ihr correct wri or words from the box lo complete the following xcnlcnccx (2 polnb ruch |
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