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《人力资源管理》 HRM 2010国家级双语示范课 认证系列:职业经理、人力资源总监、营销经理、品质经理、生产经理、物流经理、项目经理、企业培训师、酒店经理、市场总监、财务总监、行政总监、采购经理、营销策划师、企业管理咨询师、企业总经理等高级资格认证。 颁发双证:高级经理资格证书+MBA高等教育研修结业证书(含2年全套学籍档案) 证书说明:证书全国通用、电子注册,是提干、求职、晋级、移民的有效依据 学习期限:3个月(允许工作经验丰富学员提前毕业) 收费标准:全部学费 元 咨询 : 0451- 招生网站: :// 电子邮箱: xchy007@163 颁证单位:中国经济管理大学 承办单位:美华管理人才学校 职业经理MBA整套实战教程 千本好书免费下载 学校网址: Date Teaching Content Chapter 3: HR Panning Objectives Define the concept of HR planning Understand the purpose of HR Planning Identify stages in Human Resource Planning Key issues Methods of HR Planning Cases Discussed Questions 1. Case: General Motors Corporation fails to downsizing. Question: how to solve the problem? 2. transitional matrix Homework 1. What is human resource planning? 2. What kinds of action decisions are available to an organization when there is a surplus of labor or a labor shortage? 3. What factors would affect your choice of an HR planning system? 4 .What factors would influence your choice of forecasting methods? 5. Compare and contrast different types of methods of human resource forecasting and demand. Reference Gary Dessler, a framework for Human Resource Management, 3nd edition, China Machine Press, 2007 Liao Shanyu,Human Resource Management,Tsinghua University Press, 2006 Lead in Case:General Motors Corporation GM has undergone several hiring freezes over the last few years, and by 2005, the average age of its workforce will be 48. in fact, a full 50 percent of GM works will be able to retire within the next three years. However, based upon labor demand forecasts, GM also has estimated that it needs to reduce its workforce by close to 20 percent, and hence rather than lay works off right now, it can afford to wait and let natural attrition and retirement processes perform the needed downsizing. While this is a fortuitous development in terms of solving the labor surplus problem, it does create another issue, because



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