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五年级上册英语期末模拟试卷 笔试部分( 70 分) 一,英汉互译;( 10 分) 教英语 _________________ 6.watch films_________________ 在周末 _________________ 7.have a picnic_________________ 善于于 _________________ 8.chat on the Internet_________________ 放风筝 _________________ 9.Christmas Eve_________________ 买礼物 _________________ 10.help sick people_________________ 二,从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏中相对应的答句;( 10 分) I II ( ) 1. How old is your grandfather. A. They like drawing. ( ) 2.Where are the pies. B. Great. Let ’ s go and play. ( ) 3.Who is your good friend. C. They are in the kitchen. ( ) 4.What do they like doing. D. He ’ s sixty-four. ( ) 5.Look. There is a swing. E. At six. ( ) 6.Let ’ s go fishing this Sunday. F. Really.I like nice food. ( ) 7.It ’ s Christmas tomorrow. G. Helen is . ( ) 8. When do you have dinner. H. I like English. ( ) 9.My father is a cook. I. Good idea. ( )10.What subjects do you like. J. Let ’ s buy a turkey for it. 三,挑选最精确?????的答案,将序号填在题前的括号内;( 12 分) ( ) 1. The man has_____ bread_____ milk . He ’ s hungry and thirsty. A. some, and B. no, and C. no, or ( ) 2. Children ’ isDaycoming. I buy some things________ my friends. A. for B. to C. give ( ) 3. In the US, you can see_________. In Canada, you can see_____________. A. bald eagles, polar bears B. polar bears, Kangroos C. bald eagles, Kangroos ( ) 4. --- _____ Su Yang ’ s grandparents have a cat. --- _____ , they have a lovely cat. A. Does, Yes B. Do, Yes C. Does, No ( ) 5. ----_________Sam good at__________. ---Sure. A. Does, swiming B. Does, swimming C. Is, swimming ( ) 6. There_________ some milk and cakes in the fridge. A. is B. are C.isn ’t ( ) 7.----________ your father a worker? ---- Yes, he_______ cars in a factory. A. Does, makes B. Is, makes C. Does, make ( ) 8. ---- What’ s your hobby.---- . A. I like bananas. B. I like skating. C. I like Art. ( ) 9.----Look. This is our new school.----___________________. 必威体育精装版可编辑 word 文档 A. What beautiful. B. How beautiful school. C. What a beautiful school. ( ) 10. You can your presents now. A. open B


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