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天津宝坻区五年级英语上册期末试卷 听力部分 (40%) Ⅰ .请找出你听到的句子中包含的单词或短语,将其序号填入题前括 号内;每道题读两遍; ( 10% ) ( ) 1. A. clever B. camera C. scarf ( ) 2. A. dentist B. hippo C. dolphin ( ) 3. A. dictionary B. dancer C. conductor ( ) 4. A. smart B. shy C. active ( ) 5. A. Britain B. America C. Australia ( ) 6. A. sends newspapers B. grows vegetables C. sends letters ( ) 7. A. Chinese book B. English book C. activity book ( ) 8. A. paper chains B. face paints C. video cameras ( ) 9. A. a good tailor B. a bad tailor C. a bus driver ( )10. A. interviews people B. teaches English C. grows wheat Ⅱ .请依据听到的对话次序,用 题读两遍;( 10% ) 1 - 10 在相符的图意下标号;每小 47 Purple Street ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅲ . 请从以下句子中找出与你听到的句子意义最接近的一个, 号填入题前括号内; 每道题读两遍; ( 5% ) 将其序 ( ) 1. A. My father is a teacher. B. My father is an animal doctor. ( ) 2. A. Whose spoons are these. B. What are these. ( ) 3. A. Where do you come from. B. Where do you live. ( ) 4. A. What ’ s your name. B. What ’ s her job. ( ) 5. A. That is Peter ’ s sun visor. B. That is Li Yan ’ s sun visor. Ⅳ .请依据听到的内容选词填空;每道题读两遍; ( 10% ) 1. Whose (plates / knives) are these. 2. Is this Peter ’s (soup / pudding). 必威体育精装版可编辑 word 文档 That (seal / whale) is mine. My (belt / mop) is here. Whose is that (cup / mug). My aunt works in a (hotel / bank). His father is a (taxi driver / writer). He comes from (France / Germany). She is a (pretty / quiet) girl. I have a new pair of (jeans / shoes). Ⅴ .请依据听到的内容完成句子,每空一词;每道题读两遍; 1. These are Lucy ’ s and . 2. The is in the . My is a . Do you like and . The and the are mine. 笔试部分( 60% )  ( 5% ) Ⅰ .请判定以下单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同画“√” “×”;(5% )  ,不同画 1. face candle ( ) 2. seal wheat ( ) 3. there where ( ) 4. like sister ( ) 5. piano nose ( ) 6. desk pretty ( ) 7. writer her ( ) 8. actor doctor ( ) 9. whose what ( ) 10. mum umbrella ( ) Ⅱ .单项挑选,请将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内; ( ) 1. His uncle is an _____. A. policeman B. actress C. actor ( ) 2. I live Xingfu Road. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 3. We should learn Lei Feng. A. to B. from C. for ( ) 4. A docto


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