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广东高校大学生旅游行为及市场开发策略 论文题目:字体:楷体,字号:小一 论文题目:字体:楷体,字号:小一 论文题目:字体:楷体,字号:小一摘要: 随国民经济进入新常态发展,在广东改革开放政策的影响,大学生队伍的不断壮大。广东大学生家庭可支配收入不断增加,大学生群体的消费水平不断提高,带来大学生外出旅游数量的不断增加,促进旅游市场规模的扩大,旅游市场也开始丰富多样起来。作为我国国民经济的重要产业之一的旅游行业,行业发展以整个国民经济发展水平为基础并受其制约,同时其发展会对经济社会部分部门健康发展带来一定程度地影响。因此,通过对广东高校大学生的旅游行为研究,更好认识到大学生旅游市场存在的问题和缺陷,能有效为高校大学生旅游市场提出合理改进策略,从而推动大学生旅游地发展进入一个全面调整和提升地新时期 论文题目:字体:楷体,字号:小一 关键词: 旅游行为;大学生旅游市场;传统产品创新;重视市场 Guangdong University Students Tourism Behavior and Market Development Strategy Abstract:With the national economy entering the new normal development, under the influence of Guangdongs reform and opening up policy, the ranks of college students have continued to grow. The disposable income of college students in Guangdong has been increasing, and the consumption level of college students has continued to increase, which has led to an increase in the number of college students outbound tourism, which has promoted the expansion of the tourism market and the tourism market has begun to become richer and more diverse. As one of the important industries of Chinas national economy, the tourism industry is based on and subject to the overall level of national economic development. At the same time, its development will affect the healthy development of some sectors of the economy and society to a certain extent. Therefore, by studying the tourism behavior of college students in Guangdong, we can better understand the problems and deficiencies of the college student tourism market, and can effectively propose reasonable improvement strategies for the college student tourism market, thereby promoting the development of college student tourism destinations into a comprehensive adjustment and promotion place New era. Keywords:tourism behavior;college student travel market;traditional product innovation 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 1 引言 1 1.1研究背景和意义 1.2国内外研究现状 1.2.1国外研究情况 1.2.2国内研究情况 1.2.3文献述评 1.3研究方法 1.4论文的创新点及不足之处 2调研设计与分析 2.1样本对象 2.2问卷设计 2.3调研结果与分析



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