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目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 1引言 1 2运营管理的概念和主要内容 1 3超市的基本现状 2 3.1超市的简介以及经营现状 2 3.2超市的发展历程 2 3.3超市的运营管理现状 3 4超市运营管理中存在的问题 5 4.1运营管理理念落后 5 4.2商品的品类类别少 5 4.3门店的销售手段单一 6 4.4采购成本和物流配送成本高 7 4.5库存量周转慢 7 4.6售后服务效果不佳 8 5超市提升运营管理水平的策略 8 5.1采用以顾客为中心的运营管理理念 8 5.2完善商品的品类类别 9 5.3将门店销售手段多元化 9 5.3.1通过加强和完善会员制管理增加销量 10 5.3.2通过活跃线下消费增加销售量 10 5.4降低采购、物流配送成本 10 5.4.1降低采购成本的措施 10 5.4.2降低物流配送成本的措施 11 5.5提高库存量的周转速度 11 5.6提高售后服务质量 12 5.6.1提高顾客满意度 12 5.6.2维护客户对超市服务的信心,发掘潜在客户 12 5.6.3建立超市的售后服务文化,提高影响力 12 6结论 13 超市运营管理中存在的问题及解决策略 摘要:国内零售业在社会经济发展中占据重要的地位,有效的运营管理对于零售业企业来说尤为重要。超市是集团旗下的连锁超市,分布在我国广东地区,超市佛山市南海区在发展的过程中,在运营管理方面存在不足之处,如超市的运营管理理念落后、商品的品类类别少、门店销售手段单一、采购和物流配送成本过高、库存量周转慢、售后服务效果不佳等问题,分析产生这些问题的原因,最后提出运用线上服务与线下销售相结合的运营管理理念、完善商品的品类类别、将门店的销售手段多元化、降低采购和物流配送成本、提高库存量的周转速度、提高售后服务质量的解决策略,以提高超市的运营管理水平。 关键词:超市;运营管理;客户;问题;对策 Problems and Solutions in the Operationand Management of Dali Store in ChangDaChang Supermarket By Peng Jianye March,2020 Abstract: Domestic retail industry plays an important role in the development of social economy, and effective operation management is particularly import-ant for retail enterprises. Chang Da Chang Supermarket is a chain supermarket u-nder Chang Da Chang group, which is distributed in Guangdong Province of Chi-na. During the development of Dali Store in Nanhai District, Foshan City, Chang Da Chang Supermarket, there are some deficiencies in operation management, such as the operation and management concept of supermarket is backward, the category of goods is few, the sales method of stores is single, the cost o-f purchasing and logistics distribution is too high, the turnover of inventory is slow, and the effect of after-sales service is not good. The causes of these problems are analyzed. Finally, the operation and management concept of combining online service and offline sales is put forward, the category of goods is improved, and the sales method of stores is improved In


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