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目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 1 绪论 1 2 相关理论论述 1 2.1 宗教旅游定义 1 2.2 宗教旅游特征 2 2.2.1 参与者素质要求高 3 2.2.2 体验感强 3 2.2.3 覆盖面广 3 2.2.4 发展潜力大 3 2.3 宗教旅游发展趋势 3 3 潮州开元寺概况 4 3.1潮州开元寺简介 4 3.2 潮州开元寺的旅游资源概况 5 4 潮州开元寺存在的主要问题分析 6 4.1 开元寺宗教旅游资源开发不充分,未有效开发寺内景点 6 4.2 开元寺日常修缮工作不到位且偶尔遭受游客破坏 6 4.3 对外宣传力度不够,知名度较低 7 4.4 潮州开元寺未充分发挥其宗教文化价值 7 5 针对潮州开元寺的问题提出解决办法 8 5.1 整合资源,制定方案对开元寺进行有效的开发发展 8 5.2 重视开元寺的遗产保护并着手对开元寺设立相关的参观制度 8 5.3 印发相关的宣传介绍手册及在社交媒体推送相关文章 9 5.4 主动推广自身宗教文化 9 6 结论 10 宗教文化旅游发展策略研究——以潮州开元寺为例 摘要:宗教文化旅游是近几年大热的一种旅游形式,深受大众喜爱。宗教是全世界各国都无法割离的一个重要组成部分,而宗教和旅游也逐渐从对立走向融合,成为一种独特的旅游方式。潮州开元寺以佛教为名,从唐代至今,历经几代洗礼,寺内建筑风格艺术凝结了各朝各代的精华,如今已成为潮州当地一大宗教旅游胜地,蕴含了丰富的宗教旅游资源。在发展过程中,潮州开元寺不可避免的出现了各种各样的问题,而抓住时机对开元寺进行分析研究是十分有必要的。本文将针对潮州开元寺在发展宗教旅游的过程中出现的开发、持续发展、吸引游客等方面问题进行分析研究,在学者们的相关文献基础上进一步提出解决策略和方法。 关键词:宗教文化;宗教旅游;潮州开元寺 Research on the Development Strategy of Religious Culture Tourism: Taking Chaozhou Kaiyuan Temple as an Example Abstract: Religious cultural tourism is a form of tourism that has been hot in recent years and is popular among the public. Religion is an important part of the world that cannot be separated from each other. Religion and tourism are gradually moving from opposition to integration and become a unique way of tourism. Kaiyuan Temple in Chaozhou is famous for Buddhism. From the Tang Dynasty to the present, after several generations of baptism, the architectural style art of the temple has condensed the essence of each generation. Now it has become a major religious tourist attraction in Chaozhou, and it contains rich religious tourism resources. In the process of development, Chaozhou Kaiyuan Temple inevitably has various problems, and it is very necessary to seize the opportunity to analyze the Kaiyuan Temple. This paper will analyze the development, sustainable development and attracting tourists in the process of developing religious tourism in Chaozhou Kaiyuan Temple, and further propose solutions and methods based on the relevant literature of scho



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