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一、信息策略 Message Strategy;How can I emphasize a message?;What can I learn from this Memory Curve as a communicator?;How can I emphasize a message?;; How can you organize a message?;总体目标、行动目标、沟通目标之间的关系;2. Clear ideas 明确观点;例:机械行业某企业的生产部门主管和技改部门主管在一次公司例会上,就技术改造的投入策略展开争论:生产部门经理A认为,公司现在的当务之急是降低成本,不要在效益不好的情况下还加大技术改造的力度,他认为那样做是“找死”;而技术改造部门经理B认为,如果现在再不加大技改投入??度,将会阻碍资本扩张、延迟新技术的采用,这无疑是在“等死”。
两人就观点问题如何进行沟通? ;3. Content Structure (内容和结构的组织);3. Content Structure;沟通信息策略的结构安排;该结构存在的问题;修改后的大纲;二、渠道策略 Channel Strategy; Case 2: Motorola的有效沟通途径
Motorola公司于1992年在天津经济开发区破土兴建它的第一家寻呼机、电池、基站等5个生产厂,成为Motorola在其本土之外最大的生产基地,投资额比原来最初的投资增加了9倍,工人数从不到100人增加到了8000多人。年产值达28亿美元,这是一个在华投资成功的企业。 在Motorola公司,每一个Motorola的高级管理层都被要求与普通操作工形成介乎于同志和兄妹之间的关系——在人格上千方百计地保持平等。“对人保持不变的尊重”是公司的个性。;;Case 3 董事长的沟通渠道偏好;Types of channels ;2. Formal or informal?
---Formal channel:
written, format
---Informal channel:
when you need to gain new ideas from others.
;3. Individual or group?
---Individual channel: to build an individual relationship, gain an individual response, and secure highly private and confidential matters, but no witness to bear you out. individual talk before a meeting/ meeting—ceremonial
---Group channel: to build group relationships or identity, to gain group response, to avoid excluding people, or to make sure all the audience hears your message at the same time.
;4. Immediate response/Control over message
---Need immediate response:
consider individual channels or group channels.
---Do not need immediate response:
consider writing channels or voice mail.
;5. Privacy or not?
---Privacy important:
Choose writing, voice mail, or some forms of electronic meetings.
---Privacy not important:
Any group channel except electronic meeting is appropriate.
6. High audience participation or not?
---High audience participation:
Choose from among one-to- one channels or meeting channels.
---Low audien