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PAGE 某矿35kv变电站设计 摘 要:在当今高速发展的社会中,我国的工业水平逐步趋于世界一流水平,随着工业的发展,我们赖以生存的环境正在变得恶劣,与此同时,社会各部门响应国家的号召,使用清洁能源进行发展,电能作为新世纪最重要的清洁能源之一,在社会的发展、人民的生活中已经成为了不可或缺的一部分。但是在发电的过程中,煤炭一直担任着发电能源的主力军,所以二者合理的配合使用就显得尤为重要。在自动化、机械化高度发达的时代,利用电能控制机械设备开采煤炭资源以成为当今社会的主流。 在当前机械采掘的大环境下,将本次设计以煤矿为主设计该矿的地面35kv变电站,依据山西省长治市高河煤矿全矿厂的负荷总量以及各负荷分配的相关资料,对该矿设计一个地面35kv变电站,其中包括一些短路计算、变压器的选择、变电站的防雷等。 要对该矿变电站进行设计首先应该对该矿各设备的电力负荷进行统计与预算,从而选出主变变压器以及各种办法设备的型号,然后再根据该矿电力负荷分配及对供电的可靠安全经济要求进行变电站的线路接线设计,同时还应该考虑线路中短路情况,设计中还对变电站负荷资料进行了计算。另外还对变电站做了防雷保护,提高了整个变电站的安全性。 关键词:35kv变电站;变压器;电压互感器;电流互感器;短路计算;防雷保护 Design of 35kv Substation in Coal Mine Abstract:Since the 21st century, Chinas economic level has been greatly developed, peoples living standards are also constantly improving, with the development of industry, the environment on which we rely for survival is becoming harsh, at the same time, all sectors of society respond to the call of the state to use clean energy for development. As one of the most important clean energy sources in the new century, electric energy has become an indispensable part of social development and peoples life. But in the process of power generation, coal has always been the main force of power generation energy, so the rational use of the two is particularly important. In the era of highly developed automation and mechanization, the use of electric energy to control machinery and equipment to exploit coal resources has become the mainstream of todays society. In the current environment of mechanical mining , the ground 3 5 kv substation of the mine is mainly designed , and now according to the total load of the whole mine of Gaoyi Coal Mine in Changzhi City , Shanxi Province , a ground 3 5 kv substation is designed for the mine , including some short circuit calculation , selection of transformer , lightning protection of the substation , etc . In order to design the substation of the mine, the power load of each equipment in the mine should be counted and budgeted first, so as to select the type


1、变电站、发电厂、水电厂电气部分设计(课程设计) 2、变电站、发电厂、水电厂电气主接线图CAD绘制 3、变电站设备平面布置图CAD绘制 4、变电站设备断面图CAD绘制 5、继电保护课程设计、继电保护整定计算、继电保护解题辅导 6、变电站继电保护调试、施工、绘制二次图纸 7、继电保护原理图、接线图、展开图CAD绘制 8、电网考试与相关问题咨询

