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More Nutrition , More Happiness - YingDuo Integrated Marketing Planning ;2 0 0 0 年 1 2 月;目 录;Marketing Material Related To YingDuo Crisp Noodles ;营 多 市 场 相 关 资 料;前 言; 1. List 1 Analysis of Brand Partiality ;市 场 现 状 分 析;List 2 Seniorities of Company Brand Awareness ; 2. 品 牌 知 名 度; 3. 儿 童 食 品 市 场 简 述;List 3 Proportions of Buyers ;购 买 行 为 分 析;; 2. 购 买 动 机 分 析;; 2. 购 买 动 机 分 析;; 2. 购 买 动 机 分 析;Analysis of Children’s Partialities 1.?????? Most Children think that there is not enough quantity for paste seasoning of nowadays crisp noodles. 2.?????? Most of them like to collect cards, and this is the main motive for them to buy crisp noodles. ;儿 童 偏 好 分 析; 儿童获知产品信息的主要渠道是电视,儿童喜欢的电视广告是有人 物格斗镜头的广告,他们印象较深的广告是妙脆角等等。 儿童喜欢的体育活动:男孩比较喜欢诸如跑步、乒乓、游泳、篮球 及足球等,而女孩子比较趋向于跳绳、毽子及排球等。喜欢的运动员形 象有范志毅、贝克汉姆、孙雯、李宁及田亮。 儿童喜欢的明星包括郭富城、郑伊健、梁朝伟、成龙、周润发,女 星有小燕子、林心如、王菲及李玟等。 儿童喜欢的动物有兔、猫、狗及熊猫。 儿童课余生活一般很有规律,大部分学生放学后直接回家,也有去 踢球的,也有看电视卡通片的,时间大至在17:30-18:30之间,家中有电 脑的孩子多用来打游戏、画画及下棋等。 ;Conclusions: 1.?????? Product name is the key element for communication. 2.?????? TV is the main channel for product’s understanding knowledge. 3.?????? Children’s Buying depend on the nice looking, yet parents’ buying depend on the beneficiary elements for children’s growing up healthily, especially those products link to beneficial intelligence. 4.?????? Main distributing channel is the groceries near school or residential districts. 5.?????? Most children like the cartoon characters related to those delightful famous Cartoon TV Series. ; 结 论;Conclusions of Competitors’ Marketing Analysis: 1.?? Enhancing product’s essential content of nutrition and a variety of flavor selections. 2.?????? Increasing the added value of products, such as “Healthy, intelligent benefit”. 3.?????? Laying stress on the key points of product’s “Novel function”. ;竞 争 产 品 SWOT 分 析;优 势:;劣 势:;机 会 点:; 问 题 点:;小 结:;产 品 定 位 图;多种营养成分;Product Positioning: YingDuo Crisp Noodles has plentiful


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