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实用标准文案 Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship — — Friendship 高中英语写作课教案 Teaching Aims 1.To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends. 2.To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Discussion Now, I found 500 pounds in Roy s pocket. Did Roy stealthe moneyfrom the charity? Someonesays ‘yes , someonesays ‘no . If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didn t steal the money, what should I do? Discuss it in groups of four . Collect answers from students. Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same. Because we re friends. Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust. In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends. And what do you think of a friend or friendship? 精彩文档 实用标准文案 How to keep friendship?List good qualities and bad qualities a friend may have. Suggested answers: Good qualities: outgoing hospitableconsiderate enthusiasticfriendly smartpolitehonest loyal optimisticbrave positivekind intelligent modest generous determined responsible mature Bad qualities: dishonest unfriendly dishonest rude impolite selfishlazy careless pessimistic Brainstorming: Step 2 Writing Describe a problem you had with a friend and give advice on how to keep friends. Suggested expressions: close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in touch, get to know, personal matters, be similar to , considerate, warm hearted, honest, 一些有关友谊的名言警句如: On friends and friendship: A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (Aristotle) A friend in need is a friend indeed. ( Ray) 精彩文档 实用标准文案 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.( Benjamin F



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