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;;The basis of articles | Overview 基础篇 |概况 ;背景Background ;背景Background ;规划范围Planning the scope of;The basis of articles | Analysis of related resources 基础篇 |相关资源分析 ;区域资源分析Analysis of regional resources;区域资源分析Analysis of regional resources;崇州市整体资源分析Chong-City Analysis of the overall resources ;崇州市整体资源分析Chong-City Analysis of the overall resources ;崇州市整体资源分析Chong-City Analysis of the overall resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;规划区资源分析Analysis of the District Planning Resources ;The basis of articles | Overall rating 基础篇 |总体评价 ;The basis of articles | Overall rating 基础篇 |总体评价 ;;Strategy papers | Development goals and strategies 战略篇 |发展目标及战略 ;Strategy papers | Development goals and strategies 战略篇 |发展目标及战略 ;Strategy papers | Development goals and strategies 战略篇 |发展目标及战略 ;Strategy papers | Development goals and strategies 战略篇 |发展目标及战略 ;Strategy papers | Development goals and strategies 战略篇 |发展目标及战略 ;Strategy papers | Strategy for the implementation of the main points 战略篇 |战略执行要点 ;Strategy papers | Strategy for the implementation of the main points 战略篇 |战略执行要点 ;Strategy papers | Strategy for the implementation of the main points 战略篇 |战略执行要点 ;Strategy papers | Strategy for the implementation of the main points 战略篇 |战略执行要点 ;Strategy papers | Strategy for the implementation of the main points 战略篇 |战略执行要点 ;;;遁水而生;“三角保护区”;;Concept Plan| master plan 概念规划|总体布局 ;Key Region Direction 重点区域指引|空间结构 ;Key Region Direction 重点区域指引|产业发展 ;Key Region Direction 重点区域指引|土地利用 ;Key Region Direction 重点区域指引|交通游线 ;;坝;;宽度控制:道路两侧各20-50米绿带,平坝地区控制50米,山地地区控制20米。 基本控制要求:景观绿化控制范围内禁止开发建设,以绿化景观展示为主,重要节点可设置景观广场,控制视线开口,是沿山通道的核心风貌控制带。;重要公共服务设施布局;功能产业布局;游览通道及交通设施;公建设施布局;建设斑块布局;景观视线及生态廊道控制;景观断面设计;景观断面设计;景观断


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