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思无邪 无邪乎 思无邪comma;无邪乎 思无邪,无邪乎? ——论《诗经》与周礼的冲突 (巢湖学院 中文系, 安徽 巢湖 238000) 摘 要:孔子曰:“《诗》三百,一言以蔽之,曰:‘思无邪’”。对于“思无邪”的理解,后世 研究者有多种说法,总的说来有三种主要的观点,一、思想纯正,没有邪曲 二、真实,不 虚伪 三、具有劝善惩恶的伦理教化作用的发于内心的思想。对于纷纭的众说,本文从孔子 的思想倾向方面把“思”理解为“符合孔子所崇尚的周礼的思想”,并在现有的研究成果的 基础上,通过对《诗经》中的爱情诗和政治讽刺诗进行具体分析,目的是为了进一步探究《诗 经》的思想内涵。本文所得出的结论是:《诗经》与周礼的确有很多冲突的地方,在爱情诗 和政治讽刺诗这两方面表现最为明显。。 关键词:诗经 思无邪 周礼 冲突 The Thought is Innocent or Not ? ——Talking about The Conflicts between The Book of Songs and The Ceremony of Zhou Dynasty Ma Lili ( Chinese department of Chaohu college , Chaihu Anhui 238000) Abstract: Kongzi said that the Book of Songs, in a word, the thought is innocent. About the comprehension of the innocent thought. the researchers had many kinds of ides in the later ages. In general, there were three important opinions. The first is the thought is pure and not abnormal, The second is authentics and not hypocritical , The third is the thought from heart which has the function of pushing evil-doers and encouraging people to do good in ethics teaching. About the different ideas, In this article, we say that the thought is fit to the think of the ceremony in Zhou Dynasty which Kongzi upheld to, After all, the period in Kongzi’s life, the ceremony of Zhou still hold the important position. And, as a person praised highly of the ceremony of Zhou, all the thoughts of his can’t leave the ceremony, From this, the saying of Kongzi is taking a part for the whole. In this article, we choose the love poems and the satirical poems of politics, combine the ceremony of serving emperor and marriage, to talk about the conflicts between them one by one. After analyzing, we can see the conflicts clearly. And then, we can obtain a result: not every sheet is innocent in the Book of songs. Keywords: the book of songs;the innocent thought;the ceremony of zhou dynasty; conflicts. 关于“思无邪”的研究,历来有很多人。郑玄、孔颖达、朱熹把“思”


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