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设计总说明 一、设计的任务来源于主要内容 以西安鼎新花园高层住宅楼工程为主要设计任务来源,按照本专业的设计 大纲及老师具体要求,根据工程施工图纸、清单计价规范、取费软件及相关的 技术资料、规范进行本次毕业设计。 设计的主要内容包括两部分,第一部分是施工组织设计的编制,其主要内 容是组织机构的建立,施工前的准备,制定主要分部分项工程的施工方案,工 程项目进度安排,现场平面布置,对施工过程中将要用到的施工机械进行配备, 以及质量、安全、文明保障措施等,第二部分是造价文件的编制,其主要包括 工程量的计算和组价,完成工程量清单和工程量清单计价的各种报表,算出总 价和综合单价。 二、设计原则 本毕业设计按照《陕西省建设工程工程量清单计价规则》 、《参考费率》及 《陕西省建筑装饰消耗量定额》为准则和理论依据,以提供的建筑图和施工图 为客观依据,实事求是地、准确客观地计算工程量并进行施工组织设计。 三、设计依据 1. 《建设工程项目管理规范》 GB/T50326-2001 2 《陕西省工程量清单计价规则》 3 《陕西省建筑、安装工程消耗量定额》 关键词: 施工组织设计,工程量清单,工程量计算规则,消耗量定额 The general specification of programming First, the design task from the main content To the Ding Xin designs high-rise residential buildings as the main source,according to this specialized design program and teacher specific request, according to the project construction blueprint, the detailed list counts the price standard, takes spends software and the correlation technical data, the standard carries on this graduation project. The main content designed includes two parts, part one is construction organization design, the main content is the setting-up of the organization, planning before constructing, make the construction scheme mainly dividing some projects, project time phasing, to decorate on-the-spot level, allocate to main construction machinery that construction use of then course, and quality ,security, civilization ensure the measure etc … part two It is the establishment of the fabrication cost file, mainly include the calculation of project quantity and group ’ forms that the list and project amount list of the amount of project finished valuated, calculate total price and comprehensive unit price. Second, principle of design: The graduation project in accordance with the Coun


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