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2012-04-13 23:35
Unit 1-2-3
1、Despite her wealth and position, Linda still remained
modest/unassuming about herself and lived in the same one-storeyed
house as before.
尽管琳达拥有的财富和地位 ,但她仍然保持谦虚 ,而且住在以前的平房里 。
2、People living on the island still observe the customs which arose
from/stemmed from circumstances that have long since changed.
生活在岛上的人们仍然遵守着习俗 ,这种习俗起源的环境已经改变了 。
3、One of the good things about the antique dealer is that you can always
rely on his unerring/infallible ability to spot a fake.
你永远可以依靠古董商准确无误的发现一个赝品 ,这是个很好的事情 。
4 、It was impossible to tell whether the young man developed/had taken to
a liking for his pretty cousin or not.
这是不可能告诉你 ,这个年轻人是否喜欢他的漂亮的表妹 。
5、George was an experienced and smart car salesman, and he could
recognize an easy potential/prospect customer when he saw one.
乔治是一个经验丰富的智能汽车推销员 ,他可以轻易地识别潜在客户 。
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6、 When I asked him why he hadn ’ t come to the meeting, he gave the
feeble/flabby excuse that he ’ d forgotten whattime it was.
当我问他为什么没来开会 ,他给了一个不靠谱的借口说他已经忘记会议时间
了 。
7、Most times/More often than not when I make the effort to visit
Katharine, I wonder why I have even bothered.
往往不是当我努力去拜访凯瑟琳 ,我想知道我为什么甚至懒得去 。
8、Disappointingly, he was not a man of good character, and we found that
he was as deceitful /devious as his adversary was ruthless.
令人失望的是 ,他不是一个好品质的人 ,我们发现他跟他狡猾的对手一样冷
酷 。
9、Her rich experience in language teaching gave her a slight
advantage/tipped the scales in her favor and she fin
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