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封面 摘 要 光伏并网和独立供电系统是此技术领域内的关键部分,其主要使用在 各种现实场合,双方的高效融合就是把并网和独立逆变供电功能汇聚起 来,可以不断延伸其使用范围且减少流程,降低资金投放。本文主要分析 并网逆变与独立逆变科技,依照内部结构与控制的特征,顺利完成并网和 独立供电的系统融合,接下来开展详细论述和探讨。 1. 可以进行独立与并网逆变等众多工作形式的全面转变和综合管控。 2. 挑选独立逆变控制方式,主要是挑选具体的电压控制形式。此外深 入研究死区所具备的作用与补偿形式。 3. 对光伏并网逆变内输出电流的管控方案开展深入研究和对比,目前 主要使用综合控制方式,促使整体运作更加稳定,且提高最终效率。 4. 通过负载得到功率,舍弃原本的以光伏阵列输出功率的变动来完成 最高功率跟踪任务的形式,完成原本设定好的目标。 关键词 并网逆变;独立逆变;SPWM 整流;孤岛效应;最大功率跟踪 Abstract The solar energy especially photovoltaic usage are increasingly important because of the shortage of energy. As the main form of photovoltaic usage, photovoltaic generation includes the single and grid-connected which usually assembled separately. So the critical point of this paper is how to combine the two different form of photovoltaic generation into one inverter. The main study of this paper as follows: 1. to complete the function of single invert, grid-connected invert, SPWM charging and charging by solar array separately and switch the different modes. 2. to choose an appropriated control strategy, including the mode of voltage control. The influence and compensation of dead- time is analyzed. 3. to compare and analyze the control of current in grid- connected inverter. Anhybrid control with forward feed and feedback is adapted in this paper, and the results of stability and fast response are satisfied. 4. to achieve the true maxim power point trace of solar array by adapting an improved MPPT control which trace the load power instead of the power of solar array. Keywords single invert; grid-connected invert; SPWM charging; islanding effect; TMPPT 目 次 1. 绪 论 1 1.1 太阳能的利用形式 1 1.2 太阳能光伏技术的发展 1 1.3 光伏并网发电系统的广阔前景 2 1.4 光伏发电系统概述 3 2. 并网逆变器电路结构的分析 5 2.1 并网逆变器的拓扑 5 2.2 并网逆变系统/独立供电系统的工作原理 6


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