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ZL20装载机动力换挡变速箱设计说明书毕业设计 ZL20装载机动力换挡变速箱设计说明书 摘要 本设计为ZL20装载机行星式动力换挡变速箱,此变速箱具有结构紧凑、载荷容量大、传动效率高、齿间负荷小、结构刚度好、输入输出轴同心以及便于实现动力与自动换挡等优点,同时也有结构复杂、零件多、制造精度高、维修困难等缺点。随着制造加工精度的提高,这种变速箱不仅在工程车辆上得到了广泛应用,在汽车上的应用也日益广泛。 首先通过发动机与液力变矩器的匹配设计计算,使发动机功率得到充分利用,进而改善装载机牵引性能,然后选择装载机的传动方案,变速箱有前进两个档位,后退一个档位,通过操纵两个换挡离合器即可实现换挡。离合器类型为双离合器,换挡迅速平稳。 最后进行了变速箱主要参数的确定和配齿计算,通过主要零部件的强度计算以及轴承寿命验算,变速箱满足了设计要求。 关键词:轮式装载机,行星式变速器,动力换挡 Abstract The design for the ZL20 loader planetary power shift transmission, the gearbox has a compact, load capacity, transmission efficiency, the load between teeth small, the structure stiffness, input and output shaft concentric and easy to implement dynamic and automatic shift, etc., but also a complex, multi-part, high precision manufacturing, maintenance problems and other shortcomings. As the manufacturing process to improve the accuracy of such transmission-type vehicles not only in engineering has been widely used in automotive applications are increasingly widespreadFirst, by matching the engine and torque converter design and calculation, the engine power are fully utilized, Loader in order to improve traction performance, and then select the loader transmission scheme, transmission has two forward gears, back a gear, shifting through the manipulation of the two clutch shift can be realized. Clutch type dual clutch, shift quickly and smoothlyFinally, to determine the main parameters of the transmission and distribution gear calculation, calculated by the intensity of the main components and checking the bearing life, transmission to meet the design requirements Keywords: wheel loaders, planetary transmission, power shift 目录 摘要 I Abstract I 1.引言 1 1.1装载机的总体构造 1 1.2整机传动系统设计 1 2.传动系总体方案设计 3 2.1总体方案设计 3 2.2行星式动力换挡变速箱的设计步骤 3 3.发动机与液力变矩器匹配分析及其变速箱各档传动比的确定 4 3.1匹配相关数据 4 3.1.1液力变矩器 4 3.1.2整机参数 4 3.1.3其他数据 5 3.2发动机与变矩器原始特性 5 3.2.1发动机原始特性曲线 5 3.2.2发动机与液力变矩器的共同工作的输入特性曲线 7 3.2.3发动机与液力变矩器的共同工作的输入特性曲线。 10 3.2.4根据液力变矩器的容量来确定机器克服滚动阻力时液力变矩器输出轴的最高转速。 11 3.3各档传动



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