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大学英语教师第一堂课 (开场白 , 自我介绍等 )
Self-introduction: my name is Ivy, graduating from jxnu 4 years ago. I will be
your English teacher for 2 years if nothing special happens. I ’mglad to meet
all of you here. I hope we could enjoy these 2 years together. QQ:
E-mail: ivy@gnnu.cn
As for teaching and learning, I like an old saying by Benjamin Franklin “Tell
me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. So” I
want all of you to get involved in my class as much as possible, instead of j
ust being a listener. To make sure that you are involved, I have some rules fo
r you to follow for these 2 years. And your final score will be decided on ho
w well you follow these rules.
Final score: Class attendence 5% (application for leave is effective only with t
he signature of your tutor; Being late for more than 5 minutes would be treate
d the same as being absent )
Class performance 20%(answering questions, activities, exercises, after-class task
s, self-study in network classroom etc.)
Oral test 10% (the last week of each semester, you will take an oral test)
Group assessment5% (you will set up several groups of 5-6 Ss. The last wee
k of each semester, members in each group should assessthe other members o
f the same group)(assessmentcriteria: attitude, action, achievement)
Final exam 60%
Group work: set up groups with whoever you want. 5-6 Ss form a group. Ele
ct a group eader.The leader should be responsible for the whole group. During
the semester, each group will have to finish several tasks assigned by me.(pre
view jobs, research, role-play, oral practice etc.)The group leader should report
to me the absence of your members, if not and I find out, both of the absen
t student and the le
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