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论音乐与 MV 剪辑如何契合 ——以mv 《路过我耳朵的忧伤》 为例 摘要(中文) MV 是音乐和剪辑综合的艺术,是音乐与画面审美意境的融合与统一。 使观众在观看的过程中全身心投入音乐和画面所营造的氛围中,而不是单一的 将画面与音乐割裂而论,作为单独的个体呈现给观众。MV 的功能主要是以画面 来推进情节烘托音乐所要表达的情感氛围,使声画融为一体为主题服务,所以 对于剪辑的要求就需要与音乐契合有度。观众在视觉得到冲击的同时也能从听 觉中感受到影片所传达的情感,大大增强了音乐 MV 的表现力和感染力,从而产 生完整统一的视听审美效果。 【关键词】 mv 音乐 剪辑艺术 视听效果 Abstract MV is a combination of music and editing. A successful MV film should be a harmonious fusion of music and picture to make the audience fully devote themselves to the atmosphere created by music and pictures in the process of watching, instead of paying attention to the pictures or some music. Thinking is free from the narrative of the film, so the demand for the editing needs to be compatible with the music. . At the same time the audience can feel the impact of the vision, it can also feel the emotion conveyed by the audiovisual, which greatly enhances the expressiveness and infectivity of the music MV, thus producing a complete and unified visual and audio-visual aesthetic effect. [Key words] Mv music editing art audio-visual effectAbstract 目录 摘 要································· ····························3 第一章 音乐与画面的关 系································· ················5 第二章 MV 的定义阐 述································· ···················6 第三章 MV 创意方 法································· ······················5 第四章 MV 画面剪辑技 巧································· ·················7 第五章 剪辑节奏对 MV 影片影 响································· ···········8 第六章 音乐节奏对 MV 影片的影 响································· ·········9


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