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Improving the Reporting Quality of Nonrandomized Evaluations
of Behavioral and Public Health Interventions:
The TREND Statement
Developing an evidence base | Don C. Des Jarlais, PhD, Cynthia Lyles, PhD, Nicole Crepaz, PhD, and the TREND Group
for making public health deci-
sions will require using data
from evaluation studies with
OVER THE PAST SEVERAL Also in this issue, Donner and Furthermore, evidence-based
randomized and nonrandom- 7 8
decades, a strong movement to- Klar, Murray et al., and Var- practice may often rely on meta-
ized designs. Assessing indi- 9
ward evidence-based medicine nell et al. provide overviews of analyses of large numbers of
vidual studies and using stud- 1–3
has emerged. In the context of the benefits and pitfalls of the studies, some of which may re-
ies in quantitative research
syntheses require transparent evidence-based medicine, clinical group-randomized trial, which, port negative results. Meta-
reporting of the study, with suf- decisions are based on the best in some situations, may be a analysis requires full reporting
ficient detail and clarity to read- available scientific data rather reasonable alternative to the of methods and outcomes to en-
ily see differences and similar- than on customary practices or
- 0402.0101_AAB_如何与编辑进行有效的沟通:实战宝典 (3).pdf
- 2967_CONSORT+Flow+Diagram+2010清单正式版本.pdf
- 20150628EB病毒 多发性硬化moose.s002-moose清单条目一条一条核对.docx
- almohmeed2013清单正式版本.pdf
- CONSORT 2010 Statement in BMJ清单正式版本.pdf
- CONSORT 2010 Statement in The Lancet清单正式版本.pdf
- CONSORT 2010 Statement Updated Guidelines for Reporting Parallel Group Randomized Trials清单正式版本.pdf
- CONSORT 声明修订了提高平行组 RCT 报告质量的建议.pdf
- Flow Chart Diagram_流程图#####PRISMA流程图-模板-最佳 - 修改01 - tim3snp.pptx
- Jadad_Scale_Methodology Quality Accessment for RCT清单正式版本.doc
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