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摘 要 无罪推定原则有着悠久的历史,它是一项在西方思想解放运动中逐渐被法 律界所熟知,并在资产阶级革命中逐渐资产阶级国家里面确立起来的法律原则。 无罪推定原则,通常被表述为在法院作出判决之前,任何人都有权确认其无罪。 无罪推定作为一项正当程序性原则,它既保障了司法程序的公正性,又保障了 司法程序中当事人的正当人身权益。无罪推定原则通过保障被告人、犯罪嫌疑 人的被裁决前的正当法律权益,明确控诉方的举证责任,支持疑案处理中有利 于被告人、犯罪嫌疑人等来实现其基本目标,这项原则的确立对于当代科学、 民主法制的发展具有重要意义。 我国 2012 年《刑事诉讼法》已经在我国基本确立了无罪推定原则,规定了 不得强迫被告人、犯罪嫌疑人自证其罪原则、明确了控方的举证责任,进一步 阐述了疑罪从无规则并明确了各种证据标准。但由于我国对于无罪推定原则的 引入时间较短,很多地方还和无罪推定原则有一定的相悖之处,主要表现在立 法精神上的不坚定和司法实践上的相背离。 为了无罪推定原则在我国法律体系中进一步扎根发芽,更好地发挥出其促 进诉讼公平、保障人权等作用,有必要将其上升为一项宪法性原则,从而更好 地发挥其在刑事诉讼法中的具体作用,同时也要通过完善我国无罪推定原则中 相应不完善的制度,发挥新闻媒体的舆论作用,让无罪推定能在我国范围内得 到进一步的发展完善。 关键词:无罪推定原则;疑罪从无;程序正当;刑事诉讼 Abstract The principle of presumption of innocence is generally expressed as the legal principle that is gradually established in the bourgeois state in the bourgeois revolution . The presumption of inno cence isusually stated as a legitimate procedural principle , which guarantees the fairness of the judicial process and guarantees the rights and interests of the parties in the judicial process . It is of great significance for the development of modern science and democratic rul e of law to inform people and criminal suspects to realize their basic objectives . The Criminal procedure Law of our country in 2012 has basically established the principle ofpresumption of innocence in our country. Further elaborated suspect crime from no rules and clear all kinds of evidentiary standards. However, the introduction of the presumption of innocence principlein our coun try is relatively short, many places and the presumption of innocence principle have some inconsistency, mainly in the legislative spirit of the lack of firm and judicial practice of deviation. In order to further take root and sprout the principle of presumption of innocence in the lega lsystem of our country, to play a better role in promoting the fairness of litigation and safeguarding human rights, it is necessary to raise the presu


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