《物流英语》课件 Unit 4 Purchasing.ppt

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Unit 4 Purchasing Introduction to Purchasing The Processes of Purchasing 【Lead-in】 For most companies, purchasing has been viewed as a critical activity. Text One in this unit mainly describes the definition of purchasing, the importance of purchasing, and the factors in purchasing strategy. And Text Two mainly puts emphasis on the processes of purchasing, including selection of bidders, bidding process, technical evaluation, etc. 【Learning Objectives】 1. To understand the definition of purchasing. 2. To know the importance of purchasing. 3. To know the factors in purchasing strategy. 4. To learn the processes of purchasing, and then describe them with your own words. Listening Speaking Ⅰ. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard. Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard. Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard, the first letters have been given. Reading Text 1 Introduction to Purchasing 【Key Terms】 purchasing 采购 purchasing cost 采购成本 customer service level 客户服务水平 purchasing strategy 采购战略 supply-demand relationship 供求关系 【New Words and Phrases】 submit /s?b?mit/ vt. 呈送;提交 negotiation /ni?g?u?i?ei??n/ n. 谈判,磋商 business negotiation 商业谈判 interchangeable /?int??t?eind??b?l/ adj. 可互换的 prelude /?prelju:d/ n. 序幕;前奏 efficiency /i?fi??nsi/ n. 效率 manufacturing company 制造企业 investigation /in?vestigei??n/ n. 调查,调查研究 profit /?pr?fit/ n. 利润;益处 net profit 净利润,纯利润 disrupt /dis?r?pt/ vt. 使中断;干扰,妨碍 external /ik?st?:n?l/ adj. 外部的,外面的 marketplace condition 市场情况 principles and policies 方针政策 economic cycle 经济周期 competitor /k?m?petit?/ n. 竞争者 internal /in?t?:n?l/ adj. 内部的;内心的 procedure /pr??si:d??/ n. 程序,手续;步骤 purchase procedures 采购程序 company culture 企业文化 exchange /iks?t?eind?/ n. 兑换,兑换率 fluctuate /?fl?kt?ueit/ vi. 波动,涨落,起伏 potential /p??ten??l/ adj. 潜在的,可能的 【Text Learning】 Wha


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