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PAGE PAGE 1 基于Page Rank算法的网络舆情管控研究 摘要 近年来,随着我国科学技术以及互联网的高速发展,网络成为人们交流与互动的主平台与主阵地,越来越多的民众开始通过互联网来传递信息、发表观点、表达诉求,网络早已成为人们生活中不可分割的一部分。舆情主要指受众对某件事的认知、态度、情感和所采取的行为倾向,由于越来越多的人们选择用新媒体表达自己的思想与情感,对于同一件事不同的受众会有不同的观点,这些观点会在网络中交织碰撞,形成一个大的交流平台 。由于网络传播具有传播速度迅速及时,受众参与性强,普及率高的特点,受众在短短的几秒中就能接受到信息,之后便对所得到的信息进行评价,从而形成一种社会舆论。社会舆论往往有正面效果和负面效果之分,如果舆情管控部门能正确引导舆论导向,那么社会舆情就会以一种正能量的方式向公众传递信息,反之则会给社会造成负面影响。成功的舆情应对一定是顺应了事态发展的规律,失败的舆情应对则违背了规律。监控部门只有从正反两方面入手,既不夸大,也不避讳,才能给受众一个真相。 对于舆情控制引导框架中心问题,论文利用PageRank算法思想,通过计算主贴和回帖的影响力因子和文本情感倾向分析构建出最终的回复语料库,解决了语料的搜集问题解决了信息发布者的选取问题,并以天涯论坛的数据进行实验,实验表明,改进的意见领袖挖掘算法具有更高的识别精度。 关键词:网络舆情;舆情控制引导框架;PageRank算法 Research on Internet Public Opinion Management and Control Based on Page Rank Algorithm Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology and the Internet in my country, the Internet has become the main platform and main battlefield for people to communicate and interact. More and more people have begun to use the Internet to transmit information, express their opinions, and express their demands. The Internet has long since become the main platform for people to communicate and interact. An inseparable part of life. Public opinion mainly refers to the audiences cognition, attitude, emotion and behavioral tendency of an event. As more and more people choose to use new media to express their thoughts and emotions, different audiences will have different opinions about the same thing. These views will be intertwined and collided in the network to form a large communication platform. Because network communication has the characteristics of rapid and timely communication, strong audience participation, and high penetration rate, the audience can receive information in just a few seconds, and then evaluate the information obtained, thus forming a kind of public opinion. . Social public opinion often has a positive effect and a negative effect. If the public opinion control department can correctly guide the public opinion directio


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