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Decision Making in the New Era of MarketingChapter 3 Lecture SlidesSolomon, Stuart, Carson, SmithYour name hereCourse title/numberDateChapter Learning ObjectivesWhen you have completed your study of this chapter, you should be able to:Explain why organizations have adopted a New Era marketing focus on ethics and social responsibilityDescribe the New Era emphasis on qualityDiscuss some of the important aspects of an organization’s internal environment.Explain why marketers scan an organization’s external business environment.Introduction to the TopicSocial profit: the benefit an organization and society receive from the organization’s ethical practices, community service, efforts to promote cultural diversity, and concern for the natural environment.Many organizations have come to recognize that the value of doing the right thing goes beyond the short term public relations benefits that may be gained.But what does “doing the right thing” mean in an organizational context?Figure 3.1Ethical Behaviour in the MarketplaceBusiness ethics: rules of conduct for an organization. These are the basic values that guide a firm’s behaviour.The difference between what is right and wrong is a very subjective thing, which is why there is so much variation in this area.Code of ethics: written standards of behavior to which everyone in the organization must subscribe.“The fish stinks from the head” would suggest that employees take their direction from senior managers when considering ethical issues.Shareholder’s rights, and the behaviour of senior management has come under intense media scrutiny in early 2002, for good reason.AMA Code of EthicsThe American Marketing Association (AMA) publishes a code of ethics for marketers on its web site, which consists of four different categories of responsibilities. To accept responsibility for the consequences of their activitiesTo not knowingly do harmTo adhere to all applicable laws and regulationsBe honest and fair in all dealings with cons
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