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每个人的生命都相似, 只是点缀在生命里的希望和 梦想使它有所差异。 ------ 林语堂 《朱门》 最好的沉淀 WELCOME TO MY CLASS! Contents: Ⅰ . The Interest of English Learning 英语学习的乐趣 Ⅱ . The Importance of English Learning 英语学习的重要性 Ⅲ Good ways of English learning 英语学习的方法 Ⅳ . Teaching Plans 教学计划 About English Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Learning English is a big challenge( 挑战) or a piece of cake? (小菜一碟) In fact, learning English is interesting. Ⅰ The Interest of English Learning 英语学习的乐趣 英语语言的魅力 词的魅力 There are 100 birds on a tree. What method will help you catch them in one shot ? 树上有 100 只鸟 , 怎样才能把一下他们都 …. ? By using a camera How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? 第一个 cook 是名词,厨师的意思;第二个是烹饪 的意思,动词;第三个又是名词,厨师;第四个 又是动词,烹饪。 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗 ? Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you . 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 I think that that “that” that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为 那 个学生写在黑板上的 那 个“ that” 是错误的。 生活中的英语 Canon Dove Nestle Robust Rejoice Safeguard Puma Peak watch sister 表妹 no door cousin 搞笑 “ 英语 ” 没门儿 no way colour wolf 色狼 lady-killer go and look 走着瞧 We will see. I dont care. Love who who 爱谁谁 You give me stop! Stop! 你给我站住! Just so so. horse horse tiger tiger 马马虎虎 MODEL 麻豆 Show 秀 Ⅱ The Importance of English Learning 英语学习的重要性 1. Everyday life 日常生活 2. Future 未来的路 3. College Entrance Examination 高考 Ⅲ Good ways of English learning 英语学习的方法 ? What should we do to learn English well? Self-learning contents: Task 1: Suppose A to Z stand for 1 to 26, can you sum up the following letters? ? ATTITUDE ATTITUDE



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