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翻译精品视频课; 汉语中特多流水句。 -- 时间顺序是汉语安排动词的基本规律。 -- 汉语有按自然的时间顺序排列的强趋势。 --; 1.华老栓忽然坐起来,擦着火柴,点上遍身油腻的灯盏。 2.扫开一块雪,露出地面,用一枝短棒支起一面大的竹筛来,下面撒些秕谷,棒上系一条长绳,人远远地牵着,看鸟雀下来啄食,走到竹筛底下的时候,将绳子一拉,便罩住了。 3.我轻轻地扣着板门,刚才那个小姑娘出来开了门,抬头看了看,先愣了一下,后来就微笑了,招手叫我进去。 ; 1.华老栓忽然坐起来,擦着火柴,点上遍身油腻的灯盏。 Hua Laoshuan suddenly got up, scratched the match and lighted the oily lamp. —“Medicine”; 2.扫开一块雪,露出地面,用一枝短棒支起一面大的竹筛来,下面撒些秕谷,棒上系一条长绳,人远远地牵着,看鸟雀下来啄食,走到竹筛底下的时候,将绳子一拉,便罩住了。 You swept a patch clear of snow, propped up a big bamboo sieve on a short stick and sprinkled some rice husks beneath it, then tied a long string to the stick and held it at a distance, waiting for the birds to come. When they were under the sieve, you tugged the string and trapped them. —“From Hundred-Plant Garden to Three-Flavor Study”; 3.我轻轻地扣着板门,刚才那个小姑娘出来开了门,抬头看了看,先愣了一下,后来就微笑了,招手叫我进去。 I knocked gently on the door, and the girl opened it. She was surprised to see me, then broke into a smile and beckoned me in. —“The Orange-peel Lamp” ; 4.经济适用,吸水性强,质地柔软,欢迎选购。 5.大凡拍马屁的,又总有其目的,或者想保住些什么,或者想得到些什么,因而也不是对谁都顺从、迎合、奉承献媚的。 6.袭人羞得脸紫胀起来,想想原是自己把话说错了。 7.玫瑰花儿可爱,刺多扎手。 ; ; 8. It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned. -- Jane Eyre ;1) He stopped. 2) He turned. 3) His eyes fell on her. 4) It was an old woman. 5) She was tall. 6) She was withered by time. 7) She was shapely still.;9. I put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib. -- Jane Eyre; 11. The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Ann Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives whic


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