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The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020 在职准假证明中英文 请用公司抬头纸打印,红色字体都换成黑色并去掉下划线。括号内的字全部去掉。 在职证明 致:XXX(国家)驻华使馆 兹证明XXX(姓名),性别,自 年 月 日(入职日期)在我单位工作,任XX(职位)一职,月收入XXXX元人民币。我们同意其于 年 月 日至 年 月 日(预计旅行日期)赴贵国旅游,所有旅行费用由XXX(费用承担方)承担。我公司保证其遵守当地法律,按时返回中国,继续在我公司任职。 申请人信息: 姓名 性别 出生日期 护照号 护照有效期 护照签发地 领导姓名: 领导职务: 公司名称: 公司地址: 电话/传真: (日期) (加盖公章) (领导人签字) 请用公司抬头纸打印,红色字体都换成黑色并去掉下划线。括号内的字全部去掉。带/的是要选 一个人称,别选错了。 CERTIFICATE Embassy of 国家名称 in China, To whom it may concern: This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. 姓名 is the 职位 of our company. He/She began to work in our company since 具体入职年月日, and has been in our company for 工作时间(多少年), with a salary of around RMB月薪 /month. His / Her details are as below: NAME GENDER Date OF Birth Passport No. Date of Expiry Place of Issue He / She has been permitted to take a vacation from 假期开始时间 to 假期结束时间 to go to your country to have a visit. All the expenses including travel, board and lodging, and any miscellaneous expenditure would be borne by 费用承担方 . We hereby guarantee that the applicant will obey the laws of your country and will come back to China on time before the expiry date of visa. Yours sincerely, Signature: 签字人拼音姓名,并手写签字 Title: 签字人职务 Address: 公司地址 Tel:/Fax: 电话及传真 Date: 日期 (加盖公章)


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