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财务管理;财务管理;第一章 财务管理的基本概念;第一节 财务管理内容;一、定义;二、企业财务活动;三、企业财务关系;四、财务管理的基本理论;四、财务管理的基本理论;第二节 财务管理目标;一、企业目标;二、财务管理目标;2.股东财富最大化、公司股票价格最高化;3.企业价值最大化;报酬与利润;基本财务原理;财务管理与价值创造;三、财务管理基础的十项基本原则;三、财务管理基础的十项基本原则;四、委托代理问题;第三节 财务管理环境;第三节 财务管理环境;第二章 财务管理的价值观念;第一节 ??币的时间价值;三、年金;三、年金;四、不同复利间隔期利率的转换 ;五、复利和折现的实际应用 ;五、复利和折现的实际应用;习题;第二节 风险和报酬;理论基础;行为经济学(心理学);前景理论的基本原理;发布消息的四个原则;风险偏好;What’s Your Risk Tolerance;2.Now look at the previous question another way.Your investment fell 20 percent,but it’s part of a portfolio being used to meet investment goals with three different time horizons. 2A.What would you do if the goal were five years away? 2B.What would you do if the goal were 15 years away? 2C.What would you do if the goal were 30 years away? a.Sell b.Do nothing c.Buy more;3.The price of your retirement investment jumps 25% a month after you buy it.Again,the fundamentals haven’t changed.After you finish gloating,what do you do? a.Sell it and lock in your gains b.Stay put and hope for more gain c.Buy more;it could go higher;4.You’re investing for retirement,which is 15 years away.Which would you rather do? a.Invest in a money-market fund or guaranteed investment contract,giving up the possibility of major gains,but virtually assuring the safety of your principal b.Invest in a 50-50 mix of bond funds and stock funds.in hopes of getting some growth,but also giving yourself some protection in the form of steady income c.Invest in aggressive growth mutual funds whose value will probably fluctuate significantly during the year,but have the potential for impressive gains over five or 10 years;5.You just won a big prize!But which one?It’s up to you. a.$2,000 in cash b.A 50% chance to win $5,000 c.A 20% chance to win $15,000;6.A good investment opportunity just came along.But you have to borrow money to get it.Would you take out a loan? a.Definitely not b.Perhaps c.Yes;7.Your company is selling stock to its employees.In three years,management plans to take the company public.Until then,you won



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