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rapid deve lopme nt of the market economy environme nt to expl ore publi c servants duty consumpti on monetizati on reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear servi ce work has been la unche d, and rapi d progre ss in some pl aces a nd departme nts, duty consumption monetiza tion of carrier a nd a ppr oach to manageme nt has bee n resolve d. Thir d, in re cent years, explori ng the monetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress, have gai ned some experi ence and ca n provi de reference to the compre he nsive reform of the system of publi c serva nts duty consumpt ion further. Impl ementing a n honest ca nteen, sta ndar dize official e ntertaini ng manageme nt; enhancing t he telecommuni cation expe nse manag ement; elimi nation of County travel and countrysi de subsi dies; research village official s capitalizati on ma nagement of corporate spe ndi ng, a nd so on. Finally, gr oup ...
18 session to be hel d in Beijing from Novem ber 9, 2013 t o 12t h. 35 years ago blew the t hird plenary session of the reform and openi ng up i n the spri ng bree ze, cha nged, affect t he w orld; t oda y, 35 ye ars later, in t he eyes of the nation and the worl d expect, agai n to reform mark Chi na, ushe red in t he 18 session. XI Ge neral Se cretary pointe d out that Chinas reform ha s entere d a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po Di strict, must be base d on greater politi cal courage a nd wisdom, l ose no time in deepeni ng reform in im portant fiel ds. Dares t o cra ck a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, whi ch dares t o break t he barrier of i deas, and dare t o benefit cure barriers. Deepeni ng reform and openi ng up is on sche dule t o achieve i nstituti onal safeguards of the moderately well -off. Under the five in one the General lay out of socialist m oder nization requirement s, 18 session of the de cisi on w as a five in one and the im provement of overall scheme of reform, wil l prom ote an integrated a nd
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