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.word .word资料. .word .word资料. 基于套接字的局域网文件传输软件 摘要 当今世界科学技术飞速发展,尤其以计算机通信网络为代表的互联网技术更是 日新月异,令人眼花燎乱,目不暇接。在计算机与网络迅速发展的今天,借助于网 络进行信息资源交流给人们带来了极大的方便。各种文件传输系统都已被广大用户 接受。比如0。、UC. Internet等互联网中运用最为广泛的文件传输工具,但它们之 间的文件传揄往往对远程服务器有非常大的依赖性,没有彻底.实现点对点安全的文 件传输。甚至需要花费大量的金钱购买各种移动磁盘或者其他局域网连接主机的咬 件设备。而达到的效果却总是因为传揄效率以及安全威胁而受到很大的限制。在这 种形势下,开发一个功能简单而实用,并且具有可移植性的局域网文件传揄工具势 在必行,信息之间交换技术使用也越来越广泛,比如资料的共享,信息之间的交互, 以及文件之间的传揄。本论文设计了一个基于linux环境在局域网里实现文件传输 的软件,linux环境是如今很公司做软件开始所选着的环境,该软件实现了文件在局 域冋里的传揄,方便了在局域网里部进行交流,实现信息的同步,进一步提高工作 的效率。 关键词:文件传输;套接字;linux网络编程;linux系统 Socket-based file transfer software in the LAN Liangchunlong (CoI lege of Information Science and Engineer ingf Jishou University, Jishou, Hunan 416000) Abstract In todays worId of sc i ence and techno Iogy rapid development, particularly in the computer commonicat ions network of the Internet technology i s changing, dizzying Liao chaos head Xia access. In the rapid development of today s computers and network, by means of a network exchange of information resources has brought great convenience to the people. A variety of f i Ie transfer system have been accepted by the ma jor i ty of users. The most widely used file transfer tools such as QQ, UC, Internet Mail, Internet file transfer between them is often a very large dependence on the remote server, not the ful I real ization of the peer-to-peer secure file transfer. Even need to spend a lot of money to buy a variety of removable disk or LAN connection to the host hardware devices. Would be achieved because the transmission efficiency, and security threats are always sub ject to considerable restrictions. Under such circumstances, the development of a function i s simple and practical, and portabi I ity LAN fi le transfer tool is imperative, the information exchanged between the use of techno I ogy are i ncreas i ng I y being used, such as the shar i ng of information between the information interaction, and file transmission. Designed a Iinux-based envi ronment, the LAN file trans


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