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03 考点集训 一、单项填空。 D our school next week. 1. Mr. Green , a famous writer , ____ A . visited B . visits C . was visiting D . will visit 2. I think cities will be really big and crowded because B people in 2050. there will be a lot ____ A . much B . more C . many D . less 03 考点集训 D people driving , there will be ________ air pollution. 3. If there are ____ A . less ; less C . fewer ; fewer B . less ; fewer D . fewer ; less 4. — Will there be computers in peoples homes? A . — ____ A . Yes , there will C . No , there will B . Yes , there be D . No , it wont 03 考点集训 二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I think there will be ( be ) fewer books in 2050 because people will read on computers. 2. His grandma is 83 years ( year ) old. 3. We can finish the work with less ( little ) money and fewer ( few ) people than they can. 4. There are fewer students ( student ) in our school. 04 话题训练 假如你是美国中学生 Henry ,你有一个梦想,希望将来拥有一个名叫 Superman 的机器人,他可以帮你做以下事情: 1 .打扫房子和购物; 2 .陪你下棋和玩电脑; 3 .还是一位百事通,你不懂的知识他都可以帮你找到答案。 请你给你的朋友 Dave 写一封 80 词左右的电子邮件,和他分享你的梦想。 04 话题训练 常用句型归纳如下: 1. In the future, I will … 2. I will call … 3. He will be able to do … 4. I hope my dream will … 04 话题训练 高分模板 开篇点题: 我有一个梦想 → I have a dream.I will have a robot. 篇中展开: 机器人的功能 → clean the house , go shopping , play chess , play computer games with me 总结: 首尾呼应 → I hope my dream will come true. 04 话题训练 Dear Dave , I have a dream — In the future I will have a robot.I will call it Superman.Superman will be able to do many things for me. He will clean the house and go shopping , so I will have more time to study and exercise.He will also play chess or computer games with me , because I dont have any brothers or sisters.Superman will be a good teacher , too.He can answer all of my questions.How great it will be ! I hope my dream will come true. Yours , Henry 05 实战演练 Do the exercises online ! Unit 7 Will people have robots? 单元检测 再见 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Revision C 目录 O N T E N T S 01 0


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