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PAGE 7 Unit 6 War and peace Section A Under the bombs: 1945 I. Teaching Objectives After studying this part, the students are expected to be able to: Expand vocabulary about war and peace Explain how war influence our lives Have a deep thinking about the negatives of wars Practice writing a paragraph with senses II. Teaching Content Background information, new words and phrases, and reading comprehension Ⅲ. Teaching Emphasis and difficulties: Emphasis: important words and phrases, difficult sentences Difficulties: word building, structured writing ⅣTeaching methods: Lecturing, group discussion Ⅴ. Teaching Aids: multimedia, blackboard Ⅵ.Teaching Procedure Warming-up Group Discussion (5min) What might a war bring to a country and its people? If we were recruited as a volunteer in humanitarian organizations, what should we do to help fled refugees? Pre-reading Activity(10min) Compound dictation Background Information Key Words (10min) Practical Phrases Specific Meanings 1. fix in one’s mind / brain. 铭记;牢记 2. conceive of 设想、构想 3. in the direction of 朝着…方向 line … with dive into 跳进、钻进 铺;垫 6. next to nothing 几乎没有 7. huddle together 挤作一团 8. fly at 猛烈攻击 4.Text Study (105min) Text structure: Outbreak of the war Personal experience Feelings about the war Part I The outbreak of the war (Paras.1— 2 ) The war began with his happening to see 12 distant silver points barely moving across the sky with unfamiliar abnormal hum. Then at the edge of the forest, there was the tremendous roar of bombs exploding, along with gigantic fountains of earth spraying upward. As war was foreign to him, the author was unable to conceive of the danger and eager to run toward this extraordinary spectacle: the roar of the bombs, the earth radiating out from the forest, and his seemingly inevitable death. But his mother tugged him to the ground in time, ordering him in her trembling voice. “Don’t move!” 1. “Unable to conceive of the danger, I


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