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都说历史是胜利者书写的 They say that history is written by the victors. 那么 这就是保护伞公hearts;司hearts;的历史 This then, is the history of the Umbrella Corporation. 由激进的科学家詹姆斯·马库斯成立 Formed by crusading scientist, Professor James Marcus. 詹姆斯·马库斯教授 T病毒创造者 马库斯有一个小女儿 艾丽西娅 Marcus had a young daughter, Alicia, 得了早衰症 afflicted with progeria, 一种无法治愈 不断恶化的致命疾病 a progressive, fatal, wasting disease. 早衰症导致她过早地衰老 Progeria caused premature aging. 到她25岁时 By the time she was 25, 艾丽西娅的身体却已经90岁了 Alicia would have the body of a 90 year old. 马库斯一心想要救她 Marcus was driven to save her. 但机会渺茫 But the odds seemed impossible. 在他拼命研究治疗方法的同时 And even as he worked desperately to create a cure, 小女孩的父亲记录下了他的女儿 the young girls father would record his daughter, 她的声音 样貌 为后世保存起来 her voice, her likeness, saving her for posterity. 但接着研究就有了突破 But then a breakthrough came. 马库斯发现了T病毒 Marcus discovered the T-Virus. 一经注射 Once injected, it would 它就会发现并修复体内的受损细胞 detect and repair damaged cells within the body. 那就是个奇迹 It was a miracle. 艾丽西娅·马库斯得救了 The life of Alicia Marcus was saved. T病毒的作用不可限hearts;量hearts; The T-Virus had a myriad of applications, 能治愈上千种不同疾病 treating a thousand different diseases. 一夜之间 世界似乎进入了新纪hearts;元hearts; Overnight, it seemed a new era was dawning. 一个不再畏惧感染 疾病和衰老的世界 A world without the fear of infection, sickness or decay. 但它并非如此 But it was not to be. T病毒还有未曾预见的副作用 For the T-Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects. 老师 这边 Sir, sir, over here! 他没呼吸了 Hes not breathing. 第一个僵尸诞生了 The first of the undead was born. 事故很快被掩盖 The incident was quickly covered up. 之后 詹姆斯·马库斯 In the aftermath, James Marcus 与他的商业伙伴激烈争辩 argued furiously with his business partner, 亚历山大·艾萨克斯博士 Dr. Alexander Isaacs. 我不在乎代价有多大 I dont care how much it costs. 我们必须停止这个项目 We have to close the program down. 詹姆斯 那样我们就完了 James, were gonna be ruined. 我心意已决 My mind is made up. 可惜了 Pity. 回床上去 艾丽西娅 Off to bed, Alicia. 你父亲和我只是在谈话而已 Your father and I are just talking. 去吧 Go on. 艾萨克斯博士监护起他死去的合伙人的孩子 Dr. Isaacs became the guardian of his dead


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