The Girl Next Door《邻家女孩(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Girl Next Door《邻家女孩(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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邻家女孩 Jack Ketchums The girl next door (2007) 嘿,戴维,我是查理·富兰克林,生日快乐。 Hey David, its Charlie Franklin calling to say happy birthday. 抱歉,我没法跟你一起用掉那些票啦,伙计。 Sorry I couldnt get those tickets, man. 我知道你肯定算我一份了,但我小舅子刚好来访。 I know you were counting on me, but my brother-in-laws in town. 下周我再打给你,也许到时候我们再聚聚。 Ill give you a call next week, and maybe we can get together. 生日开心,保重。 Have a good birthday. Take care. 如果你要打我手hearts;机hearts;,你可以... If you wanna reach me on my cell, you can... 你觉得你理解痛苦? You think you know about pain? 那么跟我第二个老婆聊聊。 Talk to my second wife. 19岁时,有一次她意外地陷身一场野猫大战。 When she was 19, she got between a couple of fighting cats. 其中一只猫冲向她,爬到她身上。 And one of them went at her. Climbed her like a tree. 在她大腿,胸口和肚子划出伤口,现在都还看得见。 Tore gashes out of her thighs and breasts and belly, that you can still see today. 她缝了30针,还发了几天高烧。 She got 30 stitches, and a fever that lasted for days. 我第二个老婆说...那可真痛苦。 My second wife says...thats pain. 她懂个屁,笨女人。 She doesnt know shit, that woman. 如果今天,我可以站在那辆车前替那人挡灾的话, If I could have stepped in front of that car today, in the place of that man... 我会愿意。 I would have. 也许感受一会儿他的痛苦,可以压制我自己的。 Perhaps for a moment, bearing his pain may have numbed my own. 那是五十年代, It was the fifties. 一个充满奇怪的压制...和秘密的年代, A period of strange repressions...secrets. 一个甚至连罪恶都展现出罕见纯真的年代。 A time when even the guilty displayed a rare innocence. 记忆着发生过的一切, Remembering what happened. 记忆着我们做过的事, Remembering what we did. 我已经年过五十了, Im on the wrong side of fifty, now. 每年在华尔街赚30万块钱... I make $300,000 a year on Wall Street... 有过两次婚姻,没有子女... two marriages, no kids... 在黑麦镇有栋房hearts;子,在城里有套公hearts;寓hearts;。 a house in Rye, a company apartment in the city. 我现在的妻子不知道许多年前发生的那件事, My present wife knows nothing about what happened all those years ago. 我也不知是否该告诉她。 And I dont know if I mean to tell her. 为什么要告诉她? Why should I? 我的童年处处不顺心,直到1958年夏天。 Nothing in my life has been right, since the summer of 1958. 那年夏天,露丝、东尼、威利,以及我们所有人... When Ruth, Donnie, Willie,


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