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时空恋旅人 我一直都知道 我家里人都有点奇怪 I aways knew we were a fairly odd family. 先说说我吧 First there was me. 太高 太瘦 太红毛 Too tall. Too skinny. Too orange. 我妈很可爱 但和其他当妈的不一样 My mum was lovely, but not like other mums. 她的性格呢 有点固执 There was something solid about her. 有点呆板 有点冷艳 总是忙忙碌碌 Something rectangular, busy and unsentimental. 她的时尚标杆是英国女王 Her fashion icon was the Queen. 我爸呢 他看上去就正常多了 Dad, well, he was more normal. 他总是那么闲 He always seemed to have time on his hands. 自从他五十岁生日那天 After giving up teaching 辞去了大学教师的工作后 university students on his 50th birthday, 要么随时陪你聊天 he was eternally available for a leisurely chat or 要么就是在乒乓大战中被我虐 to let me win at table tennis. 漂亮 Yes. 接下来是我舅舅 德斯蒙德 And then there was Mums brother, Uncle Desmond. 总是正装打扮 总在混日子 Always impeccably dressed. He spent the days just, well, 反正有他自己的一套 being Uncle Desmond. 在家里他最有魅力了 He was the most charming 但却又傻得不行 and least clever man you could ever meet. 他思想捉摸不透 咱可懂不了 His mind was on other things, though we never found out what. 最后一位是我妹凯特琳 And then, finally there was Catherine. 又叫凯蒂或奇巧 Katie. Kit Kat. My sister. 在这个从着装到发型都中规中矩的家庭里 In a household of sensible jackets and haircuts there was this, 她简直就是个野生尤物 well, what can I call her, nature thing. 一双水灵灵的大眼 With her elfin eyes, 紫色的上衣 总是打着赤脚 her purple T-shirts and her eternally bare feet, 对于我来说 她一直都是 she was then, and still is to me, 这世界上最可爱的人 about the most wonderful thing in the world. 说到头 童年还是很快乐的 All in all, it was a pretty good childhood. 每日重复的节奏与模式 Full of repeated rhythms and patterns. 在我21岁前 By the time I was 21, 我们每天都会来海边享受下午茶 we were still having tea on the beach every single day. 丢石块打水漂 吃着三文治充饥 Skimming stones and eating sandwiches, 无论春夏秋冬 不管天气好坏 summer and winter, no matter what the weather. 每周五晚都是我们的电影之夜 And every Friday evening, a film, 也是不管天气好与坏 no matter what the weather. 直到那一年不堪回首的跨年派对 And then once a year, the dreaded New Years Eve party. 等一会 我再去拿一瓶 Yeah, I might just get one. 你真太美了 Youre absolutely gorgeous. 我叫凯蒂 我喝什么呢 Im Katie. What am I drinking? 这杯


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