The Green Knight《绿衣骑士(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Green Knight《绿衣骑士(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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看看这个世界 Look, see a world 自地球诞生以来 世界奇迹层出不穷 that holds more wonders than any since the earth was born. 在所有的统治者中 没有一个像这个孩子一样有名望 And of all who reigned oer, none had renown like the boy 因为他能从石头中拔剑 who pulled sword from stone. 但我们现在要讲的不是这个国王... But this is not that king... 也不是歌hearts;颂他的诗歌hearts; nor is this his song. 而是一个全新的故事 Let me tell you instead a new tale. 我会把所有我听到的一一道来 Ill lay it down as Ive heard it told. 它的文字 历史无一不在诉说着 Its letters sent, its history pressed, 一个勇敢而大胆的冒险 of an adventure brave and bold. 就像所有古代的伟大神话故事一样 Forever set, in heart, in stone, 被人们熟记于心 镌刻在石头上 代代相传 like all great myths of old. 基hearts;督hearts;诞生 Christ is born. 确实 Christ is born indeed. 你要去哪儿? Where are you going? 去教堂 To church! 为什么? Why? 我的靴子 你好 艾格妮丝 My boots. Hello, Agnes. 我的靴子呢? Where are my boots? 你成为骑士了吗? You a knight yet? 什么? What? 你成为骑士了吗? You a knight yet? 还没有 最好快点 Not yet. Better hurry up. 我有时间 Ive got time. 我有的是时间 Ive got lots of time. 嘿!埃塞尔 Hey! Essel. 嘿 慢点 埃塞尔 快点! Hey, slow down. Essel: Hurry up! 埃塞尔 Essel. 埃塞尔 Essel. 我们就呆在这儿 来吧 我们就呆在这儿 Lets just stay here. Come on. Lets just stay here. 起来 不 Get up. Man: No. 我还没准备好 Im not ready yet. 我还没准备好 Im not ready. 圣诞快乐 格林格勒 Merry Christmas, gryngelot. 你去哪儿了? Where have you been? 做弥撒 At mass. 你 做弥撒? 是的 You, at mass? Gawain: Yeah. 一整晚? All night? 是的 Yes. 你的靴子呢? Well, where are your boots? 什么? What? 在哪里... Where are... 你全身一股做弥撒的味道 You do smell like youve been at mass. 怎么 你整晚都在吃圣餐吗? What, have you been drinking the sacrament all night? 我爱你 妈妈 I love you, mother. 你没穿该穿的衣服 You are not dressed. 今年我没那个心情 Ive got no guts for merriment this year. 但今天是圣诞节 But its Christmas. 以后的圣诞节多着呢 Therell be more christmases, 更多的宴会 更多的好消息 more feasts, more glad tidings. 你去吧 尽情欢乐吧 You go, make merry. 告诉我你看到了什么 And tell me what you see. 把那个年轻人高文带来 Bring young gawain here. 国王要跟你谈话 The king would speak with you. 你母亲呢? Where is thy mother? 她有点不舒服 陛下 She was not feeling herself, my lord. 过来 坐到我们旁边来 Then come. Sit here, besides us. 挨着我和我的王后 Besides me and my queen. 我不配坐在那儿


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