The Dawn Wall《黎明墙(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Dawn Wall《黎明墙(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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[Phone rings] [Tommy] Hello? [Branch]‘Hey, guys. It’s John Branch from “The NY Times”. 嗨,哥们,我是《纽hearts;约hearts;时hearts;报hearts;》的John Branch ‘How’s it going up there?’ 你们怎样? [Tommy] Good, John. 挺好,John [Branch]‘How high up are you guys right now?’ 哥们,你们现在位置多高? [Tommy] We are about 1,200 feet up the wall at our base camp. 我们在1200英尺高的黎明墙(Dawn Wall)基地大本营 This has been our home for nine days now. 目前也是我们九天中的家 [Branch]‘Tommy, I guess the bottom line question here, Tommy,我想问,最根本的是 ‘why are you doing this? 为何你们这么做? ‘What’s the point of all this for you?’ 对于你们这意味着什么? [Presenter 1] On the air tonight with a story of two men 今晚的故事是,空中的两位 attempting to free climb the famously steep face 正在著名的加州优胜美地国家公园 (Yosemite )陡峭的El Capitan 岩墙 (世界上最大单体花岗岩) of El Capitan in Yosemite. 进行徒手攀岩 [Presenter 2] Inch by nerve-racking inch, 一英寸接着恼人的一英寸 using only their fingertips to grasp razor sharp edges. 用他们的指尖去抓握住刀片般的锋利岩石边缘 [Presenter 3]Tommy Caidwell and Kevin Jorgeson Tommy Caidwell和 Kevin Jorgeson attempt the hardest climb in the world. 在进行世上最艰难的攀岩 [Presenter 4] No one has ever free-climbed the Dawn Wall. 从未有人徒手攀爬过黎明墙 (the Dawn Wall) [Presenter 5] 3,000 feet of straight-up granite. 它是3000英尺高、直上直下的单体花岗岩 [Presenter 6] A climb watched by the world. 这次攀岩,全球都在观看中 [Presenter 7] These guys have captured the world’s attention. 他们俩也吸引了全球关注 [Presenter 8] They’re trying to make history. 他们想要创造历史 [Presenter 9] El Capitan’s infamous Dawn Wall. El Capitan 名声在外的黎明墙 [Mom]As a kid, Tommy was slow at everything. Tommy 从小就样样迟缓 He had a lot of difficulty in school. 他在学校也有挺多困难 The teachers actually at one point told us 老师有次告诉我们 that he was mentally retarded and would never learn. 他可能智力迟缓,很难学会什么 I was developmentally delayed through... probably still. 我一直都发展延迟 可能都静止了 I was this very fragile little kid 打小就很脆弱 incredibly shy. 还异常羞怯 But meanwhile, my dad was, like, the symbol of a man. 与此同时,我老爸却是人中龙凤 He was this big bodybuilder dude and mountain climber. 他是大大有名的健美明星和登山选手 Larger than life. 生活的强者 [Dad]Tommy was small. T


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