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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 学习资料 I.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词,首字母已给) :(14分) Moshe Kai Cavalin is a half Chinese American boy. As one of the youngest students to graduate from a two-year college at the age of 11, Moshe Kai Cavali n has every reas on to be proud of h 92 . But Cavali n said, I feel proud, but not too proud, because it is the en emy of lear ning. Cavalin graduated from the East Los Angeles Community College. What surprised m 93 is not only his you ng age, but his excelle nt performa nee: he is one of the three graduates from the college who had a high score. When he first went to the college at the age of 8, professors treated him like a child. But later, he became one of the c 94 and got along pretty well with the other stude nts who were 18 years and older. said Cas booksThe 11-year-old college graduate is going to write a book about his secrets on how he graduated from college at said Ca s books 11 w 95 going to primary school and high school. I want to be a scientist like Albert Einstein, Cavalin mother Sandy Chien comes from Taiwan, and his father is from Brazil. Chien said her son s 96 his tale nt (天赋)at the age of two. He lear ned very fast and liked to watch TV and read childre n I tried to send my son to the elementary school, but I found that he learned too fast and very often he had n 97 to do duri ng the less ons. So I decided to teach him at home. ” said Chie n. Like many Chin ese pare nts, Chie n sent her son to a private school to lear n the pia no at 4, and later sent him to lear n Chin ese Kung Fu. At age 7, Cavali n had c 98 high school at home. Being born in America, English is his mother language. He can also speak French. He likes to play games with friends of the same age. However, he has a good relati on ship with the stude nts who are 10 years older tha n him at college. 2 . Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (14 分) Hi Mary, Thank you fo


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