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. . . . 水利英语中级(二) ( 共 40 题,共 100 分) 一. 单项选择题 ( 共 40 题,共 100 分 ) 1. Are our water supply systems vulnerable ____ cyber attack and what can be done to safeguard _____ such threats? A to 、 for B for 、 for C to 、 against D for 、 against 正确答案 : C 2. Control can take place at the point of generation in the plant; wastewater can be pretreated for discharge to municipal treatment sources; or wastewater can be treated completely at the plant and ______ reused ______ discharged directly into receiving waters. A not only …but also … B neither …nor … C either …or … D both …and… 正确答案 : C 3. ______ is well-known , the environment in China is badly in need of improvement. AIt BThat CAs DWhat .下载可编辑 . . . . . 正确答案 : C 4. She is very ____ to ring me tonight. I can sense that. A liable B possible C likely D likeable 正确答案 : C 5. River water is ____ great importance in the global hydrological cycle and for the supply of the water to humankinD : A at B of C in D among 正确答案 : B 6. He ’s not got another job yet and it ’s not _____ he will for some time. Alikely Beasily Cnearly Dlonely 正确答案 : A 7. Had he worked harder , he _______ the exams. Amust have got through Bwould have got through Cwould get through .下载可编辑 . . . . . Dcould get through 正确答案 : B 8. ______ under a microscope , a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. ASeeing BSeen CTo see DTo be seen 正确答案 : B 9. It was a wonderful play with a ____________ of over fifty actors and actresses. Alist Bgroup Cbunc


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