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Earth and rock dam
Summary 概述
Earth and rock dam, with another name 土石坝又称“当地材料
as local material dam,is mainly built 坝”,主要由坝址附近的土石
with earth and rock materials near the 料填筑而成,根据坝体所用材
site. It can be classified based on the 料不同又可分为土坝和堆石
materials it used, earth dammainly with 坝。坝体材料以当地土料和
earth, sand, grit, and gravel, and rock 砂、砂砾、卵砾为主的称土坝,
dammainly with rock ballast, gravel, and 以石渣、卵石、爆破石料为主
exploded rocks. 的称堆石坝。
Features of earth and rock dam 土石坝的特点
Strong points 优点
With convenient supply of materials, 筑坝材料就地取材。 可节
many building materials such as steel, 省大量钢材、 水泥、木材等建
cement, and timbers can be saved.With 筑材料。适应地基变形能力
granular structure more suitable to 强。土石坝散粒体结构具有适
foundation deformation, it demands less 应地基变形的良好条件, 对地
on the foundation.Very flexible from 基的要求比混凝土坝低。 施工
simple artificial filling to highly 方法选择灵活性大。 能适应不
mechanized construction, the procedure 同的施工方法,从简单的人工
become simple, the construction become 填筑到高度机械化施工都可
efficient, and the quality guarantee 以;且工序简单、施工速度快,
become easy.Simply structured, 质量也易保证。 结构简单。 造
the cost is low, the operation is 价低廉、运行管理方便、 工作
convenient, works is reliable, and 可靠,便于维修加高。
maintenance and height adding is
Weak points 坝顶不能溢流, 常须另开
Overflow not allowed, spillway has 溢洪道施工。 导流不如混凝土
to be built.Diversion less convenient, 坝方便,因而相应增加了工程
cost increases.Section larger, earth to 造价坝体断面大, 土料填筑的
be filled is easy to be affected by 质量易受气候影响。 这给施工
climate. This kind of d