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第 页 PAGE \* Arabic 1 船舶消防救生安全设备维护保养手册 l????? 目录Catalog ? Chp 中文 English ? 名称 页次 Title Page ? 目录 1 Catalog 1 ? 修改记录 3 Revision Record 3 Chp 1 灭火系统维护保养计划 4 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM 14 1 消防总管、消防泵、消火栓、包括水带、水枪和国际通岸接头 ? Fire mains, fire pumps and hydrants including hoses, nozzles and international shore connections ? 2 固定式探火和失火报警系统 ? fixed fire detection and fire alarm system) ? 3 固定式气体(CO2、1211和HALON等)灭火系统 ? Fixed fire-extinguishing systems CO2、1211和HALON etc. and other fire extinguishing appliances ? 4 油漆间固定气体灭火系统(独立系统) ? Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in paints rooms ? 5 机器所在处的小型气体灭火系统 ? (Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units ? 6 自动喷水器、探火和失火报警系统 ? Auto sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems ? 7 通风系统,包括挡火闸和挡烟闸、风机及其控制装置 ? Ventilation systems including fire and smoke dampers, fan and their controls ? 8 燃油供应及通风系统的应急切断 ? Emergency shut down of fuel supply ? 9 防火门,包括其控制装置 ? (Fire doors including their controls ? 10 通用紧急报警系统 ? General emergency alarm systems ? 11 紧急逃生呼吸装置 ? Emergency escape breathing devices ? 12 手提式CO2灭火器(包括备用的) ? Portable CO2 fire extinguishers including spares ? 13 手提式清水泡沫灭火器(含手推式) ? Portable foam fire extinguishers including spares ? 14 消防员装备 ? Fire-fighter’s outfits ? 15 低位照明系统 ? Low-location lighting systems ? 16 公共广播系统 ? Public address systems ? 17 甲板低倍泡沫系统(化工品船、油轮) ? Deck low-expansion foam systems ? 18 便携式泡沫灭火设备 ? Portable foam applicator ? 19 液货泵舱的消防安全布置( ? Fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms ? 20 易燃气体探测器(化工品船、油轮) ? Flammable gas detectors ? Chp 2 安全、应急设备维护保养计划 ? 10 MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR EMERGENCY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTS 19 1 应急发电机组 ? emergency generator ? 2 应急电瓶 ? emergency battery ? 3 应急空压机 ? emergency air compressor ? 4 应急消防泵 ? emergency fire pump ? 5 应急照明设备 ? emergency lighting ? 6 应急操舵装置 ? emergency steering gear ? 7 应急舱底水吸口 ? emergency bilge suction valve ? 8 应急遥控装置 ? Remote emergency shut off ? 9 应急封舱装置检查 ? emergency closing gear ? 10 泵房污水


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