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M2 供应管理的高绩效 A 预测 TASK2-A-1 共 6 题 针对当前和未来的全球或国内市场情况, 市场标杆,行业趋势进行分析, 并为管理层和 /或用户部 门提供数据资料 1 Which of the followi ng is LEAST likely to con tribute to the U.S. Federal deficit ? A Imports exceedi ng exports B Foreign tourist spending in the United States exceeding those of U.S. citizens traveli ng abroad C Foreig n earnings in the U.S. exceedi ng U.S. compa ny earnings abroad D A U.S .ec onomy that is stro nger tha n that of foreig n econo mies 1、下面哪项最不可能引发美国财政赤字? A 进口大于出口 B 外国游客在美国的花费超过了美国公民在国外旅行时的花费 C 外国公司在美国赚的钱超过了美国公司在外国赚的钱 D 美国的经济强于外国的经济 (意味着美圆的坚挺 ,导致出口困难 ,美元外流 ,) 答案: B 指南: 2-A-2 p11 教材: p94 选择 B ,因为 ISM 认为相对贸易逆差,公司的 earning ,国家的强势,游客的花费对经济影响不 大。 赤字 =贸易逆差:进口超过出口;贸易顺差:出口超过进口 2 A supply man ager is tasked with acquiri ng training services for a group of engin eers who will be part of specialized sourci ng teams charged with driv ing an aggressive cost reduct ion program. Which of the followi ng methods would be MOST appropriate for the supply manager to employ in identifying appropriate training solutions? A SWOT an alysis B in dustry ben chmarks C request for in formati on D porter ‘s five forces 为了实施一个主动的成本节约的项目,一个供应经理负责为一组工程师提供所需要的培训服务项 目,他们将成 为一个资源开发团队的一部分,对确定一个适合的培训解决方案来说,下面哪个方 法是最适合的? A SWOT 分析 B 工业标杆 C RFI D 波特五力模型分析 答案: C 指南: 2-A-1 p4 ; SWOT 分析是风险评估方法;工业标杆用于衡量企业绩效;波特五力模型用来 描述竞争; RFI 被用来获取产品服务一般信息的询盘文件。 3 A home medical testing device include a very sensitive sensor with a customized, easily readable display. This sensor is low-cost but high risk because shortages could stop production at the buying organization ‘s plant. In this situation., which term BEST describes the sensor? A bottleneck item B non critical component C leverage buy D routine c


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