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It is applicable to work report, lecture and teaching;Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区);;three mountains surrounding two basin (三山夹两盆);General situation; religion The major religion in Xinjiang are Islam(伊斯兰教)。 Buddhism(佛教) (including Tibetan Buddhism), Protestantism(新教), Catholicism(天主教) and Taoism(道教),Shamanism(萨满教) still have considerable influence among some ethnic groups.;Silk Road;If North Xinjiang means mountains and grasslands like the Kanas Nature Reserve and Narat Grassland, South Xinjiang means desert and Gobi such as the Takla Makan Desert; If North Xinjiang means a pasture-based culture, South Xinjiang means an agricultural society; If North Xinjiang means fine horses and the sounds of singing, South Xinjiang means dances such as Mukamu(木卡姆) (the most popular dance in Xinjiang). ;;Buerjin Town ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lavender land Eastern Provence;;sculpture 雕塑;;;国际大巴扎(Bazzar);;FOOD;The roast mutton chop is famous all over the country and can be found in almost every Chinese city. The main foods of the Uygur are Nang (a kind of crusty pancake) (馕)and noodles. Hand pilaf(抓饭) and roast meat are usually offered during festivals or to guests.;;;hometown of fruit and melons;grape;honeydew melon;aksu’s apple;;;演讲结束,谢谢大家支持;;;;生活 图标元素;


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