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2015 年 11 月 7 日雅思写作真题回忆 备考 雅思写作 考试, 考生要关注每一次的考题回顾, 这将对考生的复习带来很大的帮助。 下面, 前程百利小编为大家带来 2015 年 11 月 7 日雅思写作真题回忆 ,可供参考。 A 卷: Task 1 题型: 柱状图 题目: The bar chart shows three kinds of fruit and the amount exported to different countries in 2012. 分析: 今天的雅思有 A 、 B 卷,看来雅思官方真的是出了狠招,两套题目的小作文分别是一静一动,传 说中的流程图一直没有出现。今天的小作文难度不是很大,考生们只要正常发挥应该可以获得比较 好的分数。 范文: Word count (189) The bar chart compares the amounts of certain exported fruit in the corresponding countries whose export was top three in the year of 2012. As can be seen from the chart, oranges were the most popular exported fruit. More specifically, South African was the country where the largest number of oranges was exported, amounting to 1020. This was followed by Egypt (500) and United States, which exported the smallest number of oranges among the three countries. Lemon was the second popular fruit in the four categories, with 500 exported by Mexico and 200 exported by USA. The minimal export amount belonged to Argentina (100). In terms of grapefruits, the type of fruit which did not constitute the large proportion of the exported fruit, Turkey was the main country that transported grapefruits to most of other countries, while Mexico and United States exported 400 and 300 respectively. In the group of other kinds of exported fruit, the largest export volume can be seen in Mexico. The other two countries only accounted for a tiny proportion of the whole volume. Overall, the export quantities of different fruit vary among different countries. B 卷: Task 1 题型: 线图 分析: 第二套试卷中的小作文是最近已经出现 N 遍的线图, 主要是讲述了英国的三种婚姻状况的变化 趋势。具体而言分别是 all marriages , 主要呈现下降的趋势 ,第二就是 first marriage , 也是呈现下 降的趋势,但是中间会有一个小的波动,最后一条线是关于 re-marriage , 主要呈现上升趋势



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