《Go for it》第九单元第一课时教案1.docVIP

《Go for it》第九单元第一课时教案1.doc

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Unit 9 What does he look like? Period 1 1a-1c 万源草坝中 周 波 一 教学目标: 1、知识与技能 A、要掌握的单词:hair curly straight long short height tall medium thin heavy build B、要掌握的句型:--What does he /she look like ? --He/She is...... --He/She has ...... C、能运用所学句型正确描述一个人的外貌特征。 2、过程与方法 学生通过听和说的反复训练,来到达对目标语言的理解和运用。设计游戏,激发学生学习兴趣,活泼课堂气氛。 3、情感态度与价值观 通过对他人的外貌描述,让学生在人际交往中多发笑别人的长处,从而学会理解他人和尊重他人;外表美不一定是真正的美,人人都很特别,不能以貌取人。 二 教学重难点 1、教学重点 学生对新单词及新句型的学习;怎样描述一个人的外貌。 2、教学难点 新词汇的运用;have/has 与am /is/are的正确使用,是第一课时的一个教学难点;掌握描述人物外貌的方法。 三 教学过程 1、Greet the students politely using:Good morning 、Nice to meet you and so on . 2、Show the title in unit 9 “What does he look like?〞to the students . And try our best to analyse the meaning . 3、Show some pictures about height、build、and hair styles.The teacher lead the students to learn the new words and sentence structures. Step 1 Show the 1st picture to talk about one’s height . -What does he look like ? -He is short/tall/of medium height. Step 2 Show the 2nd picture to talk about one’s build . -What does she look like ? -She is thin/heavy/of medium build . Step 3 Pair-work The students look at the screen, and then ask and answer the questions .The teacher will give them about 2 minutes to practice them , then speak out what they practiced to the whole class. Step 4 Show another picture to describe one’s hair. A、 -What does Lu Han look like ? -He has short hair . + He has curly hair.+He has brown hair.→He has short curly brown hair . B、 -What does Zhao Liyin look like ? -She has long hair.+she has straight hair .+She has black hair .→She has long straight black hair . 4、Free talk : The students talk about Lin Hao’s and Ma Yun’s looks by describing their height 、build and hair. 5、Practice 1a Match the words with the people in the picture. Step 1 Preview the words together . Step 2 The students finish the tasks by themselves quietly. Step 3 Check the answers . 6、Listening practice



