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脑 出血患者的延续性护理
刘荣 杜志辉 陈讳
8332 00 新疆生产建设兵团第七师医院
doi:I0.3969/j.issn.I007- 6 I4x.2018.14.085
摘 要 目的: 分析 、 探讨延 续性护理对脑出血患者的 实施效果及对其出院后生活能力的影响 ? 方法: 收 治脑出血患者的例,随机平分两组 住院期间均按照脑出血护理帘规进行护埋,出院后对照组采用常规的出院指导,延续性护理组实施延续 性护理措施,观察出院后生活能力的变化。结果: 出院后6 个月,两组 生活能力评分均上升,延续性护 理组的得分显著高于对照组; 延 续性护理组转移能力、社会认知能力、括约肌控制能力、行动能力、交流能力和总分等各因子得分均高于对照组 (P 0.05) 结论: 对于脑出血患者实扢延续性护 埋,能 够显著提高患者的恢复效果和生活能力,改善患者的远期生活质设
关键词 延续性护理: 脑出血患者; 护理效果
Co ntinuous nursing ca re fo r patie nts with cerebral hemor rhage Liu Hn11g, IJ11 Zhih11i . Cl w11 lflri
The SevP ntl, Divi.sio11 Ho sp ital「o Xi11丿i,wg Pm,lwtin11 ,wd C,而 1lflion Cnrp.s 833200
Absl racl OhjPPlivP.:fn a11al yZP and disr·us.s thP P ITff I o f onlin1101,1s nursing on tlw paliPnls with fr th ml hrnorr hagp anrl its etTec-1 on lhP liff ahility after rlisfhargc.Mfthorls:60 patients with cfrehral hPrnor rhagwr rr sPI PPt cl.They werfrandomly rlivi,l,.,l
inlo the two gmups on average.During the peri 叫 of hosp italization.nu,-sing was , itrl out m··co rding to rhe routine nr.11-,;iug of ce r,斗)ml hi,mor rhagP..A fter rlisfharg,ihP. normal rlisehargguirlanc-P wa、adoptwl in rhe r,ontrol grnup.a nrl rhe conri1111atio11 11111、ing
|1gm11p implementer( tlw r?ontimro us 11111-sing nwa.sures.ThP d rnnge_s of lifr a bility after di,-harge we,1hsn verl.Rcs11lts:Aftr r
11111n1hs 11[ di;;diargf.the sc·orfS of the 1wo g ro11 、;; nf living alilily inctsfcl.ancl the sr·ore of 加 c·ontinuous nunsingbf n11p was
、ignifi,·a111ly liightr tha11 1lw1 of the ·Jnlrol group.Th.. s(o1s of sphilt!ttr cmtrol aliili1y1.mn「s ,.,. 11h ility.,wtin11 a hility.se ial
cognition ability.rommunication ability and total score were all higher in the continuity mu-sing group than those in the control
gmup(P 0.05).Condusion:The implemPnlfllion 「o ,·ontinuous nursing for patients with rerehral hernorrhagP ·an s ignifir·anlly
improve thP rn·ove,r effec-t 1111rl livingabilityof thP. pa tP