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设计总说明 本设计为 长沙市岳麓区城区排水管网和污水处理厂设计 。设计人口 16 万,污水量标准为 200L/ (cap.d),污水管网遍布整个城区。污水处理厂设计规模约为 4.0 万 m3/d,主体处理工艺采用普通 曝气池活性污泥法。 设计对市政排水管网采取分流制排水方式,生活污水和工业污水通过污水管道进入污水处理厂 进行处理后排入河流,雨水经雨水管网收集后直接排放河流。 设计中对污水处理厂进行了详细设计。设计中选用一组平流沉砂池,长宽为 6.0m× 1.46 m ;两 组辐流沉淀池,直径 20.0m ;两组活性污泥反应池,长宽为 33.0m×30.0m ;总水力停留时间 8.39h , 污泥回流比 100%;二沉池为两组中心进水、周边出水的辐流式沉淀池,直径 24m ,沉淀时间 2.5h ; 出水经液氯消毒后达标排放;污泥经浓缩脱水后外运处置,辐流式浓缩池直径 10.5m 。 设计成果由 说明书、计算书和图纸组成。 I SPECIFICATION This is a design of sewer network wastewater treatment plant, mainly including sewer network design wastewater treatment plant design for Chang Sha City. The population density of design and the wastewater discharge Quota is 200L/(cap?d). The sewer network 3 is all over the city. The design scale of wastewater treatment plant is 40000m /d. The tank was used as main treatment unit. Every unit of the wastewater treatment plant was designed detailed. Two Horizontal-flow Grit Chamber, Which is 6.0m by 1.46m. A2/O tank was laid out in two parallel rows, which hydraulic retention time is 8.39 hours and the sludge reflux ratio is 100%. Two center inlet Peripheral outlet Radial Sedimentation Tanks were adopted as the Secondary Clarifier which diameter is 24 meters and hydraulic retention time is 2.5 hours. The effluent disinfected with Liquid Chlorine shall attain to the discharge standard.



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