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陈 梅济南市中心医院保健专业二科,山东济南 250013[摘要] 人文本质是以人为中心,并关注、重视人的价值、生存意义及自由发展的思想观念。随着近年来患者对临床护理要求的提高,以人为本观念在临床护理中得到多方面应用,人文关怀作为维护新型护患关系的重要手段,得到护理人员与护理管理人员的广泛关注。护士长是临床护理的直接管理者,其在应用人文关怀时,除需具备专业知识外,还应密切联系人文素养与临床工作,使患者与护理人员均感受到人文关怀,从而实现护理质量与护理服务的完善、提高。该次基于对护士长临床护理管理中应用人文关怀要求的分析,以探究人文关怀在护士长实施护理管理中的作用与具体措施,以期为今后临床实践提供参考。[关键词 ] 护士长;护士;临床护理管理;人文关怀;应用[中图分类号]R19 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2015)03(a)-0115-02Application of Humanistic Care in the Management of Clinical Care NurseCHEN MeiJinan Central Hospital care professional Second Division Jinan,Shandong, Province,250013 China[Abstract] Human nature is based on people as center, and focus on importance to human value, survival significance and the free development of ideas. With the increasing requirements for clinical nursing of patients with in recent years, people-oriented concept in clinical nursing, humanistic care as one of the important ways to maintain the new relationship between nurses and patients, nurses and nursing managers attention. The head nurse is the direct management of clinical nursing, the application of humanistic care, in addition to the required professional knowledge, should also be closely related humanities and the clinical work, make all feel the humanistic care of the patients and nursing personnel, so as to realize the improvement of the quality of care and nursing service and improve. This based on the head nurseacute;s role in the clinical nursing management application requirement analysis of humanistic concern, to explore the role of humanistic care in the nursing management head nurse and the specific measures, in order to provide reference for the clinical practice in the future.[Key words] Head nurse; Nurses; Clinical care management; Humane care; Application[作者简介] 陈梅(1982-),女,山东济南人,本科,主管护师,主要从事保健护理工作。基于医学模式转变及人们对医疗水平要求提高,临床护理工作面临更大挑战,而护理质量与护理水平不仅关乎科室医疗护理水平,对医院整体医疗工作开展亦存在一定程度影响,由此要求护理人员与护理管理者加强护理模式的转变与完善。人文关怀指工作生活中,体现对人生存权利、道德尊严、价值观念及情感方式等方面的尊重与维护,近年来临床将其