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out city cre ated, and care masses life, focus w ork, in-de pth i nvestigation, more out boutique masterpie ce, makes we of research results m ore to into l ed of de cisi on vi sion, more to in national some has effect of ne wspaper Shang publi she d, for advance w ork, and publi city cha ngde play due of role. Third, informati on submitted to be pragmatic. Quick nd timely. The a ncients sai d: for the time system; statement ba ck for the time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submi ssion of information to do four, that is, find the probl em faster, editorial writing, send and read faster appr oval and feedback to implem ent quickl y. To be tr ue and accurate. True mai nly reflect the full pict ure of events, one i s one, two, t his is the life of the information. Accura cy is primarily qualitative a nd quantitative questi ons, quantitative objective of publicQualitative logic. T o be relia ble and useful. We submit informa tion to have a ccess to decision-maki ng, to gui de a nd pr omote the w ork and solve practi cal pr oblems. Mixed cum.
On the negative information and emergency information, rapi d escal ation i n strict a ccorda nce wit h the proce dures, firm, newspape r, newspapers, never late, fail to re port, false cl aim and skimming. Inve stee 2. supervi sion and insi st on, around a nd protecti ng their i nterests to touch the trut h, seek practical re sults. A dhere to pe opl e-oriente d, the most important thing is to reali ze, safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental intere sts of the overwhe lming majority of the people. We carry out inspe ction, so m ust go de ep among the masses, go dee p into t he realities, alway s pay attention to the peoples liv elihood, to grasp t he publi c sentiment, and earnestly safeguar d the benefit, addressi ng the masses are most concer ned a bout and reflecting the stronge st issues, efforts to solve the probl em of deci sions impl emented a nd not impleme nted. One i s to stick to principle s. R ight of inspe ct